12 Abr 2022 LanguageCert C2 modelo de examen
LanguageCert C2 modelo de examen
Hello sweeties,
Hoy os traemos detallado un modelo de examen LanguageCert C2. Se trata del nivel Mastery servido en bandeja para no le tengáis miedo 😉. De todas formas, ya sabéis que en Salón de Idiomas tenemos cursos de LanguageCert C2 para prepararos y que lo saquéis like a boss.
Si todavía no sabes a qué nivel crees que podrías presentarte, LanguageCert pone a disposición un test de nivel online.
¡Ah! Y recordad que, si sois docentes, el LanguageCert sirve para obtener la habilitación lingüística y da puntos en las oposiciones.
¿Qué es la habilitación lingüística? Si todavía te lías, no te pierdas la siguiente información:
– Qué es la habilitación lingüística
– Exámenes de inglés para convalidar la Habilitación Lingüística
– Aptis Trinity LanguageCert o Linguaskill para la habilitación lingüística
– LanguageCert para la habilitación lingüística
Antes de meternos de lleno en el modelo de examen, echad un ojo al post con toda la información del LanguageCert C2 Mastery modelo de examen.
Estructura y nivel de dificultad LanguageCert C2
¿Y por qué le decimos “sí” al LanguageCert C2 Mastery? Además de ser un examen oficial de inglés reconocido por el MCER, se puede preparar y hacer de forma 100% online 😀 Así que es muy buena opción si buscáis un examen de inglés que podáis hacer desde casa online.
TIPS. ¿Sabes que hay varios exámenes oficiales de inglés que se pueden hacer desde casa?
Si todavía tenéis dudas de cómo se haría el examen LanguageCert, echad un ojo a este post: LanguageCert estructura y nivel de dificultad. ¡Ah! Y no creáis que porque sea online vais a poder copiar. ¡Lo tienen super estudiado! Además, también tenemos un video tutorial en nuestro canal de Youtube de una de las preparadoras de Salón de Idiomas en el que explica en qué consta la prueba y da consejos útiles para la preparación.
🔔 Examen LanguageCert C2 Mastery estructura y consejos
Además, este examen es una prueba de dificultad progresiva. Esto es, el nivel general subirá si respondes correctamente preguntas más difíciles. Y con que aprobéis el 50% de los créditos en cada parte, lo pasáis de sobra. Así que, si flojeáis en alguna parte, don’t worry, que podéis brillar like a diamond en el resto 😉.
Sin más preámbulos, vamos a ver el examen LanguageCert C2.
LanguageCert C2 modelo de examen: Written exam
Ya os anticipábamos que el LanguageCert C2 “solo” tiene dos partes: el Written exam y el Speaking. Aunque ojo, porque dentro del Written exam se incluye el Reading, Listening & Writing. Vayamos viendo modelo de ejercicios por partes.
Modelo de Reading LanguageCert C2
Vamos a empezar con el Reading, aunque la primera skill a la que nos enfrentamos es el Listening (pero este tendrá un apartado especial).
Aunque cada parte la tenéis explicada con detenimiento en artículos anteriores, simplemente os recordamos que tendréis que completar cuatro tareas dentro del Reading. Veamos un modelo de Reading del examen LanguageCert C2.
Reading Part 1 (True or false)
Read the text and the statements. Some of these statements are true according to the text; some of them are false. Choose the correct answer True (T) or False (F) for each statement.
He picked up the plough handles and went on down the furrow. It needed a long while in the attic to wash out those words, but the power that was there washed them away in a while. I made allowance for Gideon, since he lost so many nights of rest, it being still lambing time. For lambing time is the shepherd’s trial.
In the black of night, in the dead of the year, at goblin time, he must be up and about by his lonesome. With mist like a shroud on him and frosty winds like the chill of death, and snow whispering, and a shriek on this side of the forest and a howl on that side, the shepherd must be waking, though the pleasant things of day are folded up and put by, and the comforting gabble and busyness of the house and the fold are still, and the ghosts are strong, thronging in on the east wind and on the north, with none to gainsay them. So when Gideon was short with me I only took a bit more time in the attic. It was pleasant there when spring drew on, with a dish of primmy roses on the table and a warm wind blowing in.
When April came, we were still ploughing, and I was so used to it that I’d given over being tired, and enjoyed it, and sang to myself the while. It was grand to go down the red furrow with the share cutting strong into the stiff earth and shining like silver.
It was fine to look away to the blue hills by Lullingford and see the woods of oak and larch and willow all in bud, as if a warm wind blew from there and called the leaves. It was pleasant too, seeing the rooks follow in a string at my heels, looking as if they’d been polished and to see the birds again that had been away. There were violets now to pull for market and tight pink buds like babies’ little fists in the apple trees.
The writer and Gideon had just had an unpleasant conversation.
Gideon was taken to court over a lambing issue.
The examples emphasize that a shepherd is at the mercy of the elements.
The writer had spent much time doing hard physical farm-work.
The writer had always found the work enjoyable and easy and never changed her mind.
Reading Part 2 (fill the gaps)
Read the text. Use the sentences to complete the text. Choose the correct sentence for each gap. There are two extra sentences you will not need.
Listening to music relies on memory. We make sense of what we hear by framing it in the context of what we have already heard. We don’t have a ‘memory box’ into which we dump an entire tune. (1) _________ We group the ‘pixels’ of music into lumps with recognizable outlines, a process called chunking. To do this we use subconscious rules that help us decide if the notes belong together. Unifying features such as small melodic interval steps and shared tonality provide the glue that binds them.
(2) _________ If we had to encode it in our brains note by note, we’d struggle to make sense of anything more complex than the simplest children’s songs. Of course, most accomplished musicians can play compositions containing many thousands of notes entirely from memory, without a note out of place. If you ask a pianist to start a piece of music from a certain point in the middle of a phrase, she’ll probably have to mentally replay the music from the start of a phrase until reaching that point – the music is not simply laid out in her mind, to be picked up from an arbitrary point. (3) _________ It’s rather like describing how you drive to work; you don’t reel off the names of roads as an abstract list but have to construct your route by mentally re-tracing it.
The contour of a melody – how it rises and falls in pitch – is one of the most important clues for memory and recognition. (4) _________ And most of the spontaneous, charmingly wayward songs that children begin to sing from around 18 months contain brief phrases with an identical repeated contour.
Musically untrained adults asked to sing back an unfamiliar melody might not get a single note right yet will capture the basic contour. (5) _________ This is essentially what young children do when they learn to sing a song: they make rather arbitrary guesses at the right pitch steps and produce a generally compressed version which is recognisable.
Predictability can be pleasurable rather than boring. We will belt out the chorus of a favourite song with gusto. And when a tune reappears unexpectedly, it is like bumping into an old friend. (6) ________.
Even babies as young as five months will respond with an altered heartbeat when a melody changes its contour.
The greater the complexity of a piece of music, the more its notes vary.
This chunking is vital for cognition of music.
And familiar tunes remain recognizable when the contour is ‘compressed’.
Once the recognition dawns, we know what is going to come next and that can be delightful.
Rather, we remember structures and patterns, with varying degrees of accuracy and which fade from memory at various rates.
This seemingly awesome feat of recall is made possible by remembering the musical process, not the individual notes as such.
This means less memory is required to recognize more simple melodies
Reading Part 3 (choose the correct test for each question)
Read the 4 texts. Below you have several questions regarding the four texts. Decide which text says what. There may be more than a sentence belonging to the same text.
- I’d come to the island to follow in the footsteps of a man whom history has to a large extent passed by – a man who didn’t have a huge impact on the world or even on the Isle of Man. He was a king all right but a king whose realm and reign have been parked under a tarpaulin in a historical cul-de-sac for centuries, for it has been decided by others that, in the greater scheme of things, Olaf Godreson, a twelfth-century king of an ancient, forgotten nation, didn’t really matter. He didn’t win any major battles, execute anyone of note, invade anywhere, define an epoch or even particularly stand out in the roster of Manx monarchs. We don’t know much about him at all. Indeed, we don’t know much about the Norse kings of Man in general. But I’d come to the Isle to follow a journey Olaf made, a route that gives a rare, tangible link to an obscure and mysterious period of history when this small, oft-ignored island was at the centre of an empire.
- Olaf I was King of Mann and the Isles from 1104 until 1153. Norway’s Kings Magnus Barefoot and Sigurd Jorsalafare annexed the kingdom and caused disruption in successions. For forty years, Olaf ruled them uncontested. The Kingdom of Mann and the Isles encompassed the Isle of Man and the Hebrides, extending from the Calf of Man to the Butt of Lewis. Olaf adopted the Latin style Rex Manniae et Insularum in his charters, a translation of the Gaelic title ‘ri Innse Gall’ (literally ‘king of the foreigners’ isles’), in use since the late 10th century. The islands which were under his rule were called the Sullr-eyjar (south isles, in contradistinction to Norsr-eyjar, ‘north isles’ – the Orkney and Shetland Islands) and consisted of the Hebrides and all the smaller western islands of Scotland, with Mann. Olaf I exercised considerable power and, according to the Chronicles of Mann, maintained close alliance with the kings of Ireland and Scotland.
- Close to Ronaldsway Airport, Ballasalla is another picturesque resort which contains the ruins of the Abbey of St Mary of Rushen, founded by the Viking king, Olaf, in 1134. It fell into neglect following the dissolution of the monasteries but still has its 14th century Monk’s Bridge. Two other Viking kings of Man, Reginald II and Magnus, are buried here. The folk of Manxland have an abiding passion for local mythology and at Santon you will find the Fairy Bridge; any local gent crossing it will almost certainly doff his cap in deference to the Little People living below. An aviation museum adjacent to the airport tells the story of the island’s aviation history while Ballasalla is the starting point for a number of walks up to Silverdale and Glen.
- Our Isle of Man break’s like a time warp experience. Peaceful and quiet most of the time, then round a corner and wow! Inadvertently came across their Viking Festival today. A whole Viking village incongruously set up in a field adjacent to a swimming pool. Tonight there’s apparently a Boat Burning event – hopefully not in the same location! There have also been battle re-enactments, bronzesmiths, and, more incongruity, takeaways to eat with wooden spoons accompanied by hot drinks from stone goblets. We were stunned so many aficionados were there – from all over the world too. But contrary to the antics of those they were celebrating, we were delighted to discover a peaceful village atmosphere with women, children and craftsmen getting on with life, as it would have been over 1000 years ago. Life at home will be very run-ofthe-mill after this.
In which text does the writer:
- include information aimed at tourists?
- provide a rationale for his actions?
- detail the deeds of a ruler?
Which text is saying the following?
- Some people believe in the supernatural.
- Historical events are sometimes ignored.
- Some experts travel vast distances.
- Someone’s authority was never challenged
Reading Part 4 (short questions)
Read the text and answer the questions below with in between 1-5 words.
Is Globish the new world language?
English is what matters. It has displaced rivals to become the language of diplomacy, business, science, the Internet and world culture. Many more people speak Chinese but even they, in vast numbers, are trying to learn English. So how did it happen and why? Robert McCrum’s entertaining book tells the story of the triumph of English and the way in which the language is now liberated from its original owners.
The author’s knack for finding nuggets enriches with interesting anecdotes what might otherwise seem a rather panoramic take on world history from Tacitus to Twitter. For example, take the beginnings of bilingualism in India, which stoked the growth of the biggest English-speaking middle class in the Anglosphere, stemming from a proposal by English historian, Thomas Macaulay, in 1835, to train a new class of English speakers: ‘Indian in blood and colour but English in taste, opinion, morals and intellect’. At a stroke, English became the ‘language of government, education and advancement, symbol of imperial rule and self-improvement’. India’s English-speaking middle class is now one of the engines of that country’s development and an asset in the race to catch up with China.
Gradually, English displaced French from diplomacy and German from science partly due to America’s rise and the lasting bonds created by the British Empire. But the elastic, forgiving nature of the language itself was another reason for its success. English allows plenty of sub-variants, from Banglish in Bangladesh to Singlish in Singapore; the main words are familiar but plenty of new ones dot the lexicon, along with idiosyncratic grammar and syntax.
Now Globish has transcended the legacy of Empire – of English synonymous with the triumphs of English-speaking people – its bounds are set so wide that it belongs to the world and, as it spreads, it will reduce the international influence of English and eliminate the benefits long enjoyed by its native speakers.
Globish meets today’s requirements for a universal ‘other tongue’ – a simple, neutral, intelligible medium for cross-cultural communication. English spoken by natives is different. The nuanced idiomatic language of Britons, North Americans, Antipodeans (and Indians) can be hard to understand but listen to a Korean businessman negotiating with a Pole in English and you will hear the difference: the language is curt, emphatic, stripped down. Yet within Globish, hierarchies are developing. Those who can make jokes or flirt in Globish, score over those who can’t. Expressiveness counts, in personal and professional life.
The big shift is towards a universal written Globish. Computer software programs mean that anyone can communicate in comprehensible written English, a skill once requiring mastery of grammar and subtle syntax. The English of email, Twitter and texting is more mutually comprehensible than spoken English, fractured by differences in pronunciation, politeness and emphasis.
If in future the world’s business is conducted in Globish, native Anglophones, like everyone else, will find themselves obliged to learn it.
What was created in 19th century India which contributes to its current success?
What, apart from the Empire, was the catalyst for the change in the status of English?
What has been one effect of the flexible nature of English?
What examples of sub-variants are given?
How will the spread of Globish disadvantage English native speakers?
What is it that makes English spoken by native speakers difficult to understand?
What might an advanced Globish user be able to do?
Why is full grammatical competence no longer essential?
¿Qué tal se os ha dado? Como podéis observar, ya estamos ante un nivel complicado, que es un C2, no un intermedio. Si ya tenéis el C1, veréis que, aunque el salto no es tan grande, si tiene mayor dificultad. No obstante, si trabajáis y prestáis atención, seguro que se os da fenomenal.
Aquí podéis comprobar las respuestas. Pasad el cursos por la frase y podréis visualizar mejor las respuestas. ¡No hagáis trampa mientras estáis leyendo!
Part 1 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F
Part 2 1. F 2. C 3. G 4. A 5. D 6. E
Part 3 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. D 7. B
Parte 4 1. English-speaking middle class 2. America’s rise 3. it allows variety/sub variants/variants/it is adaptable 4. Singlish and Banglish 5. reduction in international influence 6. nuanced and idiomatic language 7. make jokes and/or flirt 8. computer software programs
El modelo de examen LanguageCert C2 Mastery guarda mucho parecido con el modelo C1 Expert. En el siguiente tutorial os dejamos consejos y trucos de cómo preparar el Reading del examen LanguageCert.
🔔 LanguageCert Reading: estructura y trucos para cada skill.
Modelo de Writing LanguageCert C2
Ahora vamos a daros unas pinceladas sobre qué podéis encontrar en el Writing. Como en exámenes similares (Aptis Advanced, Trinity ISE…) tendréis que hacer dos textos. El primero (el “corto”) suele ser un artículo o essay. Aquí tenéis un ejemplo de modelo de Writing LanguageCert C2:
You have seen the results of the survey below in an online magazine that deals with medical issues. Write an article for the magazine, giving your own views on how all these elements might impact on patients’ safety. Write between 200 – 250 words.
According to a survey conducted recently, healthcare, like other sectors of society, has been affected by the recession. Consequently, it has taken its toll on patients and communities. Here are the results of our investigation:
Staffing: hospital staff laid off or hours cut, bringing staff-to-patient ratios to dangerous levels
Equipment costs: requests previously approved now often denied, leaving some outdated technology in place
Provision of services: clinics forced to close, and hours of in-hospital pharmacies reduced
La segunda parte del Writing consistirá en escribir un texto narrativo (narrative composition), una historia (story). Esto puede sonar un poco raro, pero es momento de que saquéis vuestra alma de escritores y deis rienda suelta a vuestra creatividad. A nosotros nos encanta esta propuesta:
Many people are now aware of the dangers of having their identity stolen. Write a narrative composition about a person this happened to and the strange or funny things which occured as a result. Write between 250 – 300 words.
Modelo de Listening LanguageCert C2
Hemos dejado el Listening para la última parte del Written Exam (aunque os volvemos a recordar que será la primera prueba a la que os enfrentaréis). El Listening tiene una duración de 30 minutos y, pese a que os da mucho miedo, os queremos tranquilizar un poco: podéis escuchar cada parte (son 4) dos veces, ¡wow!
Así que, sin más dilación, sube el volumen y a practicar este modelo de Listening LanguageCert C2.
Listening Part 1
You will hear some sentences. You will hear each sentence twice. Choose the best reply to each sentence.
a) You can say that again.
b) That’s a bit on the dear side.
c) May I recommend you this perfume?
a) Don’t be shilly-shally!
b) It seems you’re putting out feelers.
c) So the jury’s still out.
a) Surely when it rains, it pours.
b) Yes, you really get under the weather.
c) Nor to catch a tan, indeed.
a) Well, that’s a bummer.
b) Then let’s take a detour.
c) You’re having a storm in a teacup.
a) I’ll certainly bare my teeth!
b) I hope they sink their teeth into it.
c) Not for those with a sweet tooth.
a) You’re giving me the heebie-jeebies.
b) You’re a bundle of nerves!
c) Well, I sail close to the wind.
Listening Part 2
You will hear three conversations. Listen to the conversations and answer the questions. What a circle round the letter of the correct answer. You will hear each conversation twice. Look at the questions for Conversation One.
Conversation 1
1 What surprised the man about the keynote speaker?
- a) Most of her talks are given online.
- b) Her delivery of the talk’s key aspects were puzzling.
- c) She seemed more self-contained than he had conjectured.
2 What did the woman say she plans to do before the first class of her game design module?
- a) Carry out a thorough research.
- b) Brush up on her note-taking.
- c) Purchase the correct study items.
Conversation 2
3 The woman believe that the best thing about We-Move is that they
- a) Offer a premium service that covers every need.
- b) Cost less than what the customers expect.
- c) Provide a top-notch service to their clients.
4 After the man makes a booking, there will be…
- a) No more charges.
- b) A 10% charge when the move is completed.
- c) A charge if the man changes the day of his move.
Conversation 3
5 What does Olga think about her visit to the Madame Tussauds exhibition?
- a) It had previously had a display of real royal clothes.
- b) it updates its exhibits from time to time.
- c) There were too long queues to get in.
6 What was the most meaningful aspect about Westminster Abbey?
- a) Many royal engagements were hosted there.
- b) Plenty of famous artists are buried there.
- c) I was really crowded due to a flower parade.
Listening Part 3
Listen to the person talking and complete the information on the notepad. Write short answers of 1 to 5 words. You will hear the person twice. You have a brief moment to look at the notepad.
News Publishing Notes
1.Why is the definition of news useless for the speaker?:
The main difference between TV and printing new stories:
What must be considered to connect with the public?:
The primal steps were reporters and sellers work in tandem:
The key concept of the phase were prototypes are created:
6. The analogic features of the press stage:
7. The attribute of news publishing regardless of its format:
Listening Part 4
Listen to the conversation and answer the questions. Put a circle round the letter of the correct answer. You will see the conversation twice.
- Which two elements of the Science and Technology festival do Dylan and Tanya agree were more beneficial?
- They were able to meet new people and it helped them prepare for their course.
- They improved their study skills and it allowed them to become more familiar with the campus.
- It introduced them to new study areas and they developed their writing skills.
- The professor believes that the main role of the festival is to…
- Make the general public more aware of science and technology.
- Have a different focus every year.
- Show how both fields of study are equally important.
- The university information stands were there to…
- Help people who were lost.
- Generate more interest in current research.
- Allow the people who attended the festival to meet the lecturers.
- What does Tanya say about the festival guide book?
- The map was confusing.
- There were too many advertisements.
- The schedules for some lecturers were wrong.
- Dylan says that nowadays festivals…
- Have to increase the entry charge every year.
- Make a lot of money from the admission fee.
- Are mostly paid through advertising.
- What does Professor Dickens consider to be the best approach when writing for the department website?
- Read reports with the expected writing manner.
- Select the most appealing hypothesis.
- Only use 4 prompts for their articles.
- The following are hints for a successful cooperative work except for…
- Aiming for a previously discussed assignment distribution.
- Uploading a synopsys and important archives of the project.
- Slating a definitive target date to publish the project.
Aquí podéis comprobar las respuestas. Pasad el cursos por la frase y podréis visualizar mejor las respuestas.
Part 1 1. A, 2.C, 3.C, 4.A, 5.B, 6.B
Part 2 1. C, 2.A, 3.C, 4.C, 5.B, &.A
Part 3 1. it’s vague and open/ It doesn’t help the editor, 2. TV editors must be selective, 3. The audience is varied, 4. The news gathering stage, 5. The newspaper is designed/This is concerned with layout, 6. an iron sheet(plate) is used, 7. It’s a fast-moving business.
Parte 4 1. B, 2. A, 3. B, 4. C, 5. C, 6. B, 7. B
¡Pero todavía no hemos acabado! Nos queda la parte oral y habremos cubierto todo el modelo de LanguageCert C2 😉
LanguageCert C2 modelo de examen: Speaking exam
¡Tenemos buenas noticias! El Speaking solo dura 17 minutos –no se nos harán eternos, promise– Como en exámenes anteriores, empezaremos con unas preguntas cortas para romper el hielo.
Speaking Part 1
I: LanguageCert International ESOL, Speaking, Mastery level, (give today’s date). (Give candidate’s full name.) Exam begins. Hello. My name’s (give full name). Can you spell your family name for me, please?
C: (Spells family name.)
I: Thank you. Where are you from?
C: (Responds.)
I: Thank you. Now, Part One. I’m going to ask you some questions about yourself and your ideas.
El examinador os harán unas 3 preguntas. Nosotros on dejamos unos posibles temas más abajo. ¡Recuerda! Son preguntas cortas, no te enrolles demasiado 😉
Money management
- How important do you think money is for a happy and fulfilling life?
- Children need to be taught the value of money at a very early age. Do you agree?
- Should credit card companies be blamed for people’s irresponsible spending habits?
- How far do you agree with the saying ‘money is the root of all evil’?
- How would you define good manners?
- Do you agree that the best way to learn good manners is from those who don’t have them?
- What’s the role of manners in communicating respect for others?
- Are bad manners a sign of rudeness and arrogance or simply ignorance?
Clothes, fashion
- Do you see yourself as a fashion victim? (Why/Why not?)
- People make assumptions about others based on what they wear. What’s your view?
- Do you think people nowadays are unhealthily obsessed with fashion and style?
- What are the economic and cultural implications of the fashion industry?
- Do you think anyone can be an artist or do you need a special talent?
- Why do some people enjoy going to art galleries?
- How important is art in your daily life?
- Do you consider art to be an important subject in the school curriculum?
- Should citizenship be a compulsory subject at school? Why/Why not?
- How important is it to have laws which clearly define human rights?
- Everyone has a moral duty to help less fortunate members of society. Do you agree?
- Are individual rights more important than the common good?
Speaking Part 2. Role play
Now, Part Two. We are going to role-play some situations. I want you to start or respond. First situation (choose one situation both from A and B).
Situations A (choose just one)
I’m your office manager. You have an important meeting coming up soon. I start.
So, how are you getting on with your presentation?
I’m your teacher. I start.
The exam is in two weeks. Have you come up with a study plan?
We’re colleagues. I start.
It’s about time we bought a new printer.
We’re friends. I start.
My sister and I don’t seem to see eye to eye any more
Situation B (choose one situation from B)
We’re friends. You’ve heard I have failed my driving test. You start.
I’m your boss and I’m in the middle of a meeting. You need to tell me something important. You start.
I’m your classmate. You think another student was cheating in an exam. You start.
I’m a travel agent. Your holiday was a disaster. You start
Speaking Part 3. Discussion
Here are some opinions from a recent study regarding eating habits. Let’s discuss and decide which ones we most agree with and which we least agree with. (Hand over candidate’s task sheet.) Take twenty seconds to think about what you want to say. (20 seconds.) Please start.
Speaking Part 4. Monologue and questions
In Part Four you are going to talk about something for three minutes. Your topic is (choose topic for candidate).
The benefits of reading books
Follow-up questions
The benefits of reading books
- Do adults read books in your country?
- What makes a book a best-seller?
- If you were a writer, what kind of book would you like to write?
- Do you think that books will be replaced by technology?
LanguageCert C2 Modelo de examen completo
And that’s all, folks! ¿Qué tal se os ha dado este modelo de examen LanguageCert C2? ¿Lo veis muy difícil o asequible? Ya sabéis que, en Salón de Idiomas, haremos que este examen sea a piece of cake. ¡Pero os toca currar! Pero, aún así os dejamos una demo en nuestra plataforma para practicar este examen:
Para cualquier duda, podéis contactarnos o venir a visitarnos a nuestro acojedor Salón.. Os recibiremos con una taza de té caliente.
See you soon!
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