14 Feb 2024 Speaking Oxford Advanced: Tips para prepararlo (+ejemplos)
Oxford Advanced Speaking: preparación y práctica
En Salón de Idiomas estamos muy entusiasmados con el nuevo examen C1 de Oxford Test of English. Y es que hace poco Oxford sacó la nueva versión “Advanced” de su prueba multinivel. Si bien hasta ahora Oxford Test of English nos ofrecía su test adaptativo A2-B1-B2, ahora nos ofrece la variante C1. Pues bien, hoy revelaremos en qué consiste el speaking Oxford C1 Advanced y te daremos consejos útiles para responder las preguntas en el examen.
Lo bueno del examen Oxford es que siempre podemos volver a presentarnos a cualquiera de sus destrezas por separado, así que si hay alguna skill con puntuación más baja, en Salón de Idiomas te puedes presentar sólo a dicha destreza en concreto. ¡Eso sí! Si no alcanzamos la nota correspondiente que nos daría el título C1, el examen nos puede certificar el B2.
Como ya sabrás, somos Centro Examinador Oficial de Oxford y como tal recibimos todas las novedades sobre la prueba. Es por ello que incluso antes de que se estrene el examen versión C1 del OTE, hemos preparado una super lección explicativa del Speaking Oxford Test of English C1 Advanced. Está toda en inglés. So, enjoy it!
Speaking Oxford Advanced: qué es, ejemplos de preguntas y respuestas
We shall start from the beginning, of course!
Parte 1 Speaking C1 Oxford
In Part 1, you will hear the questions, but they will NOT show on the screen, so listen carefully. Questions 1 and 2 are not assessed, they always ask your name and which country you are from, for those you have 10 seconds to answer. For the remaining questions you have 30 seconds and they are always personal questions.
📌 Tip: Give reasons for your answer, put forward examples! Not only will this help you speak for longer but also show off your grammar and vocabulary.
Now let’s get to it:
Here you have an example of what part 1 looks like as well as answers that would be appropriate for the level.
You are going to answer six questions. You have 10 seconds per question for questions 1 and 2 and 30 seconds per question for questions 3–6. Start speaking when you hear the tone.
Question 1 What is your name?
My name is …
Question 2 Where are you from?
I’m from…
Direct answers, as they said this part is not assessed 🙂
Question 3 How do people celebrate birthdays in your country?
(Now, if I talk about Spain, that’s too easy peasy lemon squeezy.. I’ll go for a different country instead 😉). Speaking C1 OTE answer model. Take a look at all the decorative elements we’ve used.
«In Brazil birthday celebrations are a big deal, especially if you’re a child. Families more often than not go overboard with decorations, the parties are normally themed after a cartoon; at times the child is even dressed as a character. Not to mention birthday food is extremely typical, you can always count on the same traditional sweets made of chocolate and coconut and fried snacks, health be damned!»
Question 4 Can you tell me about a memorable gift you were given?
Oh absolutely! The first thing that popped into my mind was a book set I got for my birthday. And for the dimension of how much this gift was appreciated to be understood, I first need to make clear I have always been a Potterhead. I grew up reading Harry Potter and consuming all the possible content Potter-related and on one of my birthdays I was given a special edition collection that is to this day my favorite of all.
Question 5 Do you consider your free time to be enough to relax?
Hardly do I think I will be the only person to say no to this question. Unfortunately, we live hectic lives nowadays and although I’d like to believe I’ve gotten much better at compartmentalizing my life, I wouldn’t complain about having more time for myself. There are lots of activities I’d die to try and I don’t even come close to having enough hours in the day for them all.
Question 6 Can you tell me about your last vacation?
I’d love to! It was one of the most relaxing and self indulging trips of my life. I didn’t go to a mainstream location, rather I rented an extremely charming, tiny cottage on the mountains, and spent some days drinking wine, eating delicacies and enjoying my love’s company. We read books, had deep conversations and it was a much needed escape from the troubles of everyday life.
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📢 Somos Centro Examinador Oficial Oxford
Parte 2 Speaking C1 Oxford
Alright, moving on to part 2
You’ll have to leave a voicemail message. In the task you are given a situation and three bullet points to include in your message.
📌 TIP!
Make sure you understand the situation so that your message is appropriate and DO NOT forget to mention ALL the three prompts given for your message. Additionally, showing a wide range of vocabulary is always the goal, for this reason avoid repeating words that have been given to you in the prompts, some individual words are sometimes unavoidable, but make sure not to mimic entire sentences.
Now let’s get to it :
Here you have an example of what part 2 looks like as well as answers that would be appropriate for the level.
Speaking Part 2 – Voicemail
You are going to leave a voicemail message. First read and listen to the task, then decide what you want to say. You have 40 seconds to leave your voicemail. Start speaking when you hear this tone.
You heard an interview with the organizer of a watch club which helps to keep
your local area safe. You would like to join the club. Leave a voicemail message for the
club organizer and:
- explain why you want to join the club
- ask some questions about the club
- say how you could help
You now have 30 seconds to think about what you want to say.
Hi there, my name’s Luiza and I’m calling because I just heard you on the radio and I believe your initiative to be applaudable! Our neighborhood had always been known as a safe haven for families and unfortunately over the last years we have no longer been as peaceful. Organizing watches might not nip the issue in the bud, but it will certainly deal with the consequences of our neighborhood being overlooked. And who knows it may even draw the attention of the city council once they hear about it. Needless to say, I’d love to join, however I do have some doubts which need solving. I’m assuming these watches will happen mostly at night, hence it wouldn’t be wise for citizens to do it alone, so my question is will we be volunteering in pairs?
I’d be pleased to lay a hand in either setting the timetables or distributing different areas to the neighbors who do decide to join.
The number I’m calling is my personal one, please use it to contact me for further information.
Can’t wait to hear back from you.
Parte 3 Speaking C1 Oxford Test of English
Onwards we go! Part 3
In this part you will give a forty second summary. They will provide you with a topic. What you must do is summarize the information with your own words.
📌 TIP!
Always and ever you must make sure you are fulfilling the task you’re given, that means make sure you are mentioning the most important information based on the text provided.
BONUS TIP! Memorizing full speeches will take you nowhere! Instead learn flexible structures which could be used in different scenarios!
You are going to give a summary. First read and listen to the task, then decide what you want to say. The clock shows how much time you have to speak. Start speaking when you hear the tone.
You have been discussing the topic of logic on your college course. Your tutor has asked you to summarize some talks for your tutor group. Listen to two experts talking about logic and summarize the main points that the two experts agree on. You can make notes if you wish. You will hear each expert only once. You now have 40 seconds to think about what you want to say.
The Illusion of Control in Decision Making
Expert 1: «Do individuals truly have control over their decisions? It’s a question that has puzzled psychologists and philosophers alike. On one hand, we see instances where people make choices seemingly against their best interest, such as indulging in unhealthy habits despite knowing the risks. Yet, on the other hand, we witness remarkable feats of self-discipline and rational decision-making in various domains of life.»
Expert 2: «Consider the concept of sunk cost fallacy. People often feel compelled to continue investing resources—be it time, money, or effort—into a venture simply because they’ve already invested so much. This irrational behavior stems from the misconception that past investments influence future outcomes. In reality, each decision should be evaluated based on its current merits, regardless of past investments.»
I would like to share some ideas regarding the last assisted talk on the topic of decision making. After listening to two experts, it is worth mentioning that they both seem to agree on the notion that individuals may not have as much control over their decisions as they perceive. Expert 1 points out instances where individuals make choices seemingly against what is best for them, indicating a lack of control or at least a limited degree of control over their decisions. On a similar note, Expert 2 further elaborates on this by discussing the sunk cost fallacy, which demonstrates how individuals may make irrational decisions due to misconstrued ideas of how past investments may influence future results. In essence, they both suggest that factors such as cognitive biases and irrational behaviors can greatly influence decision-making, diminishing the illusion of complete control over one’s choices.
Material extra
Parte 4 Speaking C1 Oxford Test of English
Almost through – Debate
In this part you’ll have to put an idea for or against a proposition in a debate based on information provided. You will have 45 seconds to prepare and 2 minutes to talk.
📌 TIP!
Use different phrases to express your ideas and opinions, make sure your ideas are well structured and follow a logical order. Your speech must have an introduction, good argumentation and a conclusion. Practice delivering it in two minutes, since it’s important that all the steps are covered in time. Be smart about your scheme, if well done grammar structures, connectors and fixed phrases can be reused regardless of the topic.
You are going to take part in a debate. First read and listen to the task, then decide what you want to say. The clock shows how much time you have to speak. Start speaking when you hear the tone.
Your tutor has asked you to take part in a class debate. You are going to put a case for or against the following statement:
«Telecommuting promotes better work-life balance»
Prepare your case for the debate, using three of the ideas below. Organize your case clearly, introducing the topic, providing support for the points you make, and giving a conclusion. You will speak for two minutes.

You now have 45 seconds to prepare. You can make notes if you wish.
Hardly is it far-fetched to state that telecommuting has come to stay. This modality of work had been sprinting way before the pandemic, nonetheless it has definitely gained full force during that period and have now become the norm for a number of professionals.
Some of the upsides are undeniable, starting with the fact that working remotely means never having to commute anywhere, which saves time that can be spent on other relevant issues. One will have more possibilities to conciliate activities, which might be harder to do with a tighter schedule. The point that raises discussion is how much of that is truly invested in people’s personal lives. The balance can be quite challenging since it takes discipline both to not work overtime as well as not to lose track of priorities.
However true the aforementioned proves itself to be, we cannot overlook the fact that for an unsettling number of workers, telecommuting can also translate into loneliness. It isn’t uncommon for individuals’ routine to not include any, or closer to any, interaction with other people, which leads to a decrease in social skills, but more concerning, a decrease in wellbeing.
That being said, telecommuting is, regardless of the downsides, highly recommended given that the disadvantages can be balanced by some easy habit changes, hence the upsides far outweigh them.
Parte 5 Speaking C1 Oxford Test of English
It’s coming to an end! Part 5 – follow up questions
In the last part you will be asked four questions about the points raised in the debate. You will have 40 seconds to answer each question.
You are going to answer four questions on the topic of your debate. The clock shows how much time you have to speak. Start speaking when you hear the tone.
Always provide an answer to a question, even if you’re not absolutely sure of what to say. Any answer is better than no answer. You’ll have more than one opportunity to show them good ideas so in case nothing brilliant comes about, beat around the bush a little bit, it’s fine 🙂
- Your debate was about telecommuting. What role do technological advancements play in facilitating or hindering telecommuting?
That’s a compelling question. Technology plays an essential role in telecommuters’ lives, since without it working remotely would simply be impossible. But, to name a few examples, technology enables people to have easy communication with their coworkers, not to mention it provides the necessary tools for workers to be efficient. However, it’s worth mentioning that individuals are very likely to feel pressured to be constantly available, apart from the fact that they become almost entirely dependent on it, in case technical issues or even happen, work can be seriously affected.
- How do cultural differences influence the acceptance and effectiveness of telecommuting?
That’s a question and a half. Cultural norms can significantly affect telecommuting in a number of ways. Depending on the beliefs of a certain society the attitude towards it might be more negative, for instance if a culture prioritizes work as a central aspect of life, it might fear that telecommuters won’t be as committed as a ‘regular’ worker, or even as productive. On the contrary, a culture that values trust and autonomy will certainly be more receptive to this modality, given their trust on the ability of workers to be independent.
- How do government policies and regulations regarding telecommuting impact its adoption?
When it comes to government policies and regulations, it could be said that they can provide financial incentives, tax breaks, or subsidies for companies implementing telecommuting programs. Additionally, regulations encouraging telecommuting options or setting standards for remote work conditions can influence businesses to adopt such practices. Finally, government initiatives supporting telecommunication infrastructure development and digital literacy can also motivate the adoption of telecommuting among businesses.
- What are the key factors that determine whether telecommuting positively or negatively affects an individual’s work-life balance?
Numerous thought the factors might be, I truly believe it boils down to boundaries and self-management. Obviously the work environment and infrastructure can influence workers either positively or negatively. The autonomy provided to individuals by the company can be a determining factor as well, feeling trusted by your superiors is essential I dare say. However, if telecommuters have their priorities straight, and a good sense of discipline, scarcely will they find themselves in an extremely strenuous situation.
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Speaking Oxford Advanced: Tips a tener en cuenta
✓ Record yourself!
When you listen back to the recording you can think about how you could improve what you have mentioned, for instance, using a wider range of the language such as grammar and vocabulary, spotting and correcting your own mistakes, speaking more clearly.
✓ Time yourself!
If you continuously use a clock to time your answers, you will eventually feel comfortable talking for the same amount of time as you need to in the exam.
✓ Alternate your focus!
When practicing the language, at times you should focus on your fluency and not worry so much about whether you are making that many mistakes. However, other times, you should pay close attention to the use of English (Am I using the right grammar structures? accurate vocabulary?….)
En resumen, el Speaking del Oxford C1 es una parte fundamental del examen. Con preparación adecuada y práctica constante, los candidatos pueden enfrentar esta sección con confianza y lograr resultados exitosos. Desde Salón de idiomas, esperamos que estos ejemplos y consejos a la hora de abordar las respuestas, te ayuden a conseguir tus objetivos.
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