27 Feb 2018 Multiple choice reading modelo
Multiple choice reading modelo
¿Se te resiste la parte de comprensión lectora de exámenes de inglés oficiales? ¿No sabes por dónde pillar los famosos «multiple choice reading»? El errar se va a acabar con estos pequeños trucos para superar con éxito ésta prueba.
Para unos, una quiniela, para otros una indecisión como la vida misma. En cualquier caso, queridos u odiados, los multiple choice readings aparecen en varios exámenes oficiales de inglés, a saber, Cambridge, Trinity ISE, Aptis Advanced…Básicamente, consisten en textos con huecos en los que faltan una o varias palabras, y os dan varias opciones a elegir de las cuales solo una es correcta. O, lo que viene a ser lo mismo, Readings con opción múltiple.
Multiple choice reading modelo de examen
¿Qué el reading multiple choice se os hace cuesta arriba? Para salir airosos de semejante entuerto, seguid las instrucciones descritas a continuación y los ejercicios de lectura de opción múltiple se convertirán en vuestro forte:
- 👉 Tened en cuenta que gramaticalmente, encajan todas las opciones. Es decir, no va a ser tan fácil como que se necesite un verbo en tercera persona, y a alguna de las opciones les falte la dichosssssa «s».
- 👉 Leed el texto entero antes de contestar el test. Pues sí, no te ansíes contestando sin haber leído todo, ten en cuenta que puede haber información que aún desconoces que te puede ayudar a dar con el grial. Las frases anteriores y posteriores son cruciales, asegúrate de entender bien el contexto y el sentido del texto. Obviamente, en la mayoría de los exámenes, sobre todo en el Reading Aptis Advanced como algunos lo han comprobado, el tiempo es tu mayor enemigo. Bueno, nunca dije que te recrearas con cada palabra, hay que leerlo, pero deprisa. Cuanto más leas en inglés en tu vida diaria, más agilidad irás adquiriendo. The more, the better.
- 👉La clave está en las preposiciones en la mayoría de los casos. Afortunadamente es más fácil encontrarlas a ellas que a Wally. Por supuesto, de poco sirve buscarlas sino sabes qué preposición va con cada verbo…así que, métele caña a los phrasal verbs, ¡y lee mucho!
Dicho esto, para poner todo lo anterior en práctica, te dejamos dos multiple choice reading modelos de examen. En el primero, falta más de una palabra en cada hueco, y en el segundo solo una. Good luck!!
1º Modelo Reading opción múltiple (multiple choice reading)
US Happiness Plummeted
Last year was not a good one for Americans’ happiness — a record number of states 1.____________in their residents’ well-being, according to a new poll. The poll, from Gallup-Sharecare, found that residents’ well-being declined in 21 states in 2017, compared with the levels in 2016. That’s the largest number of states to see a drop in well-being over a single year since Gallup-Sharecare began the poll 10 years ago. 2.___________, for the first time in the history of the poll, no state saw an increase in well-being in 2017, according to Gallup.
The poll is based on interviews with more than 160,000 U.S. adults in all 50 states, conducted from January to December 2017. The researchers calculated a «well-being score» for each state based on participants’ answers to questions about different aspects of well-being, including their sense of purpose, social relationships, financial lives, community involvement and physical health.
Overall, the nation’s 3.___________from 62.1 out of 100 in 2016 to 61.5 out of 100 in 2017, the largest year-over-year decline in the well-being score in the last 10 years, Gallup said. The declines were mostly driven by worsening scores in some measures of purpose and social well-being, as well as in mental health, Gallup said. For example, among states with declines in overall well-being, residents 4.___________an increase in experiencing significant worry on any given day, a decline in reports of receiving «positive energy» from friends and family members, and an increase in clinical diagnoses of depression. 5.___________, two states — South Dakota and Vermont — led the nation’s well-being rankings for the first time in the history of the Gallup-Sharecare poll. Both states had a well-being score of 64.1 out of 100 in 2017, placing them at the top of the list above Hawaii, which ranked third.
Scores for both South Dakota and Vermont were unchanged in 2017 compared to 2016, which gave these states an advantage in the rankings at a time when many states saw declines, Gallup said. 6._______________were Arkansas and Louisiana, followed by West Virginia, which has had the lowest well-being score in the nation for nine consecutive years…
State and business leaders should be concerned with this year’s 7.________well-being, Gallup said, because previous research has shown that workers with higher well-being perform better at work and are less likely to take unplanned time off, compared to workers with lower well-being.
Original article on Live Science.
- A) Saw declines B) Underwent a slight rise C) Noticed a heightened sensibility
- A) Needless to say B) What’s more C) Albeit
- A) Welfare state slid B) Well-being tailed off C) Well-being score dropped
- A) Tended to report B) Muddle through C) Accomplished to record
- A) Amidst this decline B) In spite of this decrease C) As a consequence of this swelling
- A) At a glance B) At the bottom of the rankings C) At the top of every head
- A) Soaring in B) Drop on C) Drop in
Answers: 1)A 2)B 3)C 4)A 5)A 6)B 7)C
2º Modelo Reading opción múltiple (multiple choice reading)
Many Animals Can Count, Some Better Than You
Every night during breeding season, the male túngara frog of Central America will 1.______out a performance patch in the local pond and spend unbroken hours broadcasting his splendor to the world. The mud-brown frog is barely the size of a shelled pecan, but his call is large and dynamic, a long downward 2.________ that sounds remarkably like a phaser weapon on “Star Trek,” followed by a brief, twangy, harmonically dense chuck. Unless, that is, a competing male starts calling nearby, in which case the first frog is likely to add two chucks to the tail of his sweep. And 3._______ his rival respond likewise, Male A will tack on three chucks.
Back and 4._______they go, call and raise, until the frogs hit their respiratory limit at six to seven rapid-fire chucks. The acoustic one-upfrogship is energetically 5.________and risks attracting predators like bats. Yet the male frogs have no choice but to keep count of the competition, for the simple reason that female túngaras are doing the same: listening, counting and ultimately mating with the male of maximum chucks.
Behind the frog’s surprisingly sophisticated number sense, scientists have found, are specialized cells located in the amphibian midbrain that 6._______up sound signals and the intervals between them. “The neurons are counting the number of appropriate pulses, and they’re highly selective,” said Gary Rose, a biologist at the University of Utah. If the 7._______between pulses is off by just a fraction of a second, the neurons don’t fire and the counting process breaks down. “It’s game over,” Dr. Rose said. “Just as in human communication, an inappropriate comment can end the whole conversation.”
The story of the frog’s neuro-abacus is just one example of nature’s vast, ancient and versatile number sense, a talent explored in detail in a recent themed issue of Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, edited by Brian Butterworth, a cognitive neuroscientist at University College London, C. Randy Gallistel of Rutgers University and Giorgio Vallortigara of the University of Trento.
Source: The New York Times
- A. stake B. carry C. shout
- A. sweep B.noise C.incitement
- A. would B.should C.does
- A. forth B.down C.ground
- A. increasing B.soaring C.draining
- A. crop B.tally C.take
- A. bump B.bounce C.timing
Answers: 1)A 2)A 3)B 4)A 5)C 6)B 7)C
Por hoy hasta aquí nuestros modelos de reading de opción múltiple. Si deseas practicar otras partes de la compresión lectora de exámenes oficiales sean estos Aptis, Trinity o CAE, entre otros, te dejamos más enlaces como de este reading c1 aunque sea un planteamiento diferente. Por otro lado, ponemos a vuestra disposición nuestro canal de Youtube en el que tenemos varios ejercicios de Reading típicos de distintos exámenes oficiales con lo que podéis practicar. Y, si deseáis ver más ejercicios similares de opción múltiple o preparar algún examen oficial con material ceñido y personalizado (creado al 100% por nosotros), give us a call/text us.
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