05 Jul 2023 Aptis General Gramática y Vocabulario: ejemplos y ejercicios
Aptis General: Gramática y Vocabulario
La parte de Gramática y Vocabulario de Aptis, está dentro del examen Aptis General que es una de las pruebas de moda. Mucho más rápida y económica que las tradicionales pruebas hasta el momento. Perfecta para docentes y estudiantes universitarios que necesiten un B1, un B2 o un nivel C para poder trabajar, conseguir puntos en las oposiciones, para aprobar algunas asignaturas o directamente poder graduarse en el caso de estudiantes de ciertas universidades.
Lo bueno de este examen, como comentábamos en otra entrada de preguntas típicas, es lo rápido que es. Así que, si a la primera no consigues la nota deseada, siempre podrás volver a presentarte en un plazo corto de tiempo. Y si la preparación incluye modelos de examen ceñidos a los reales, y no modelos de otros exámenes, más rápida será tu formación en Aptis General.
Esta vez te traemos ejemplos de ejercicios de la gramática y del vocabulario, ejemplos basados en los exámenes reales.
¿Cómo es el examen de Grammar and Vocabulary de Aptis General?
La parte del Aptis Gramática y Vocabulario consta de dos secciones:
- La gramática con 25 preguntas.
- El vocabulario con 25 preguntas también.
El tiempo total para realizar esta parte es de 25 minutos.
Aquí abajo podréis encontrar la parte de ejercicios de Gramática y Vocabulario para practicar. Las respuestas a cada pregunta las encontrarás abajo del todo.
Material extra: aquí te dejamos vídeos de nuestro canal de Youtube.
¡Suscríbete! Cada semana subimos algo nuevo 😉
Ejercicios Gramática y Vocabulario Aptis General
Ejemplo 1 Ejercicios Gramática Aptis
25 questions
1……………….you like peanuts?
- Are
- Is
- Does
- Do
2. Pete has got ………. orange T-shirt.
- any
- –
- an
- a
3. Megan works ………………. in the class.
- hardly
- harder
- hard
- hardlessly
4. We haven’t got many peaches, but Mike has got ………………
- much
- a lot
- a lot of
- less
5. July can’t play the guitar. …………………………her sister.
- Neither can
- Neither can’t
- Either can’t
- Both can
6. We will go to the party when Kate ……………………..back home.
- will come
- is coming
- comes
- would come
7. How long…………………Japanese?
- have been you learning
- has you been learning
- have you been learning
- you have been learning
9. It’s funny you like jazz, I ………………..
- don’t neither
- don’t too
- do too
- don’t either
10. What……………… yesterday evening after I had left?
- had she done
- did she do
- was she doing
- she did
11. My parents have learned Dutch …………….. they moved to Amsterdam. 
- since
- for
- until
- of
12. Tom and Jane are said …………………… in New York next year.
- to live
- to have live
- to be live
- to have been living
13. I prefer to bake rather ………… cook.
- than
- rather
- to
- then
14. Your sister seems to be very…………..having to do all these things
- annoyed
- annoy
- annoying
- annoys
15. Sadly my husband had already turned his back ……. me and gone back to the kitchen.
- against
- out
- on
- for
16. ……………. he joined the army my brother had never been abroad.
- Since
- While
- During
- Until
17. Mom had already known all the news, so I ………………………… anything.
- didn’t need to say
- needn’t have said
- wouldn’t need to say
- wouldn’t have said
18. For the next hour it will be possible to buy just one ……. of bananas and get one more free.
- bunch
- hand
- branch
- brunch
19. …………….. he wasn’t feeling very well, Mr. Blair went for a walk as usual.
- Although
- However
- Therefore
- Still
20. Every time my brother travels abroad he tries to take ………………. suitcases.
- lesser
- fewer
- a little
- a few
21. Many students live in ………………………… of getting a bad mark in maths.
- worry
- fright
- fear
- concern
22. People don’t like being instructed all the time. The …………………………. is anger.
- outcome
- event
- issue
- effect
23. My cousin Mark has changed so much since he ……………. in love with Sarah.
- has fallen
- has fell
- fell
- fallen
24. It’s high time………… rid of this old armchair.
- we got
- we get
- for us to get
- to get
25. Please place the umbrella stand ……. the door.
- before
- across
- beside
Ejemplo 2 Ejercicios Gramática Aptis

ANSWERS – Respuestas
- Gramatica
1C, 2C, 3B, 4B, 5A, 6C, 7A, 8C, 9A, 10C, 11C, 12A, 13C, 14A, 15A, 16B, 17B, 18B, 19B, 20A, 21C, 22C, «3B, 24C, 25A
Ejemplo 1 Ejercicios Vocabulario Apis
La parte del vocabulario cuenta con varias secciones. Éstas consisten en:
a) Asignar sinónimos o palabra con el mismo significado.
- Research –
- Provoke –
- Beverage –
- Require –
- Maybe –
Palabras a elegir: attack , perhaps, investigate, drink, need
b) Colocar la palabra adecuada para cada definición.
- any small, usually stoneless, juicy fruit, irrespective of botanical structure, as the huckleberry,strawberry, or hackberry is a ________________.
- a short pin having a spool-shaped head of plastic, glass, or metal, used for affixing material to a bulletinboard, wall, or the like____________.
- to give audible expression to; speak or pronounce is to __________.
- a quantity, rating, or the like that represents or approximates an arithmetic mean ________ .
- to give support or aid to _________.
Palabras a elegir: utter, pushpin, berry, help, average.
c) Completar los huecos con la palabra correspondiente.
- The sheep ________the fence.
- In the presence of so many world-famous writers I felt very _________.
- They _________ for a conference on Wednesday.
- Please, be _________ I am afraind I do not have much time left.
- My grandfather told me than the used to be ________ winters when he was a child.
Palabras a elegir: humble, hopped, arranged, harsh, brief.
d) Completar con el sinónimo adecuado
- cub – __________
- terrific – _____________
- wholesome – ___________
- phony – __________
- trully – ____________
Palabras a elegir: baby bear, really, great, fake, healthy
e) Completra con la palabra adecuada para obtener una compuesta.
- brief—case
- chop—stick
- honey—comb
- sky — scraper
- tool — box
Vocabulary: a) 1. investigate, 2. attack, 3. drink, 4. need. 5. perhaps, ,b) 1. berry, 2. pushpin, 3.utter, 4.average, 5. help, c) 1. hopped, 2. humble, 3. arranged, 4. brief, 5. harsh, d) baby bear, great, healthy, fake, really, e) briefcase, chopstick, honeycomb, skyscraper, toolbox
Ejemplo 2 Ejercicios Vocabulario Aptis
La parte del vocabulario cuenta con varias secciones. Estas son:
a) Sinónimos o palabra con el mismo significado.
- small =
- study =
- get =
- begin =
- speak =
- pick =
Palabras a elegir: slight, learn, obtain, start, communicate, choose
b) Colocar la palabra adecuada para cada definición.
- to discover or perceive after consideration is to ________
- to bring together into one group, collection, or place is to _________
- to put or fit together; put together the parts of is to _________
- to make greater, as in number, size, strength, or quality; augment; add to is to ___________
- to increase; raise or to ________
Palabras a elegir: find, boost, increase, gather, assemble
c) Completa los huecos con la palabra correspondiente.
- The paper _________ was followed by a reform of the metallic currency
- A _________ of teachers has put thousands of students in overcrowded classrooms.
- _______ cats roamed around the gas station
- This isn’t ______ for you, is it?
- The young man’s _______ flew through the air and hit the pavement.
Palabras a elegir: spit, easy, currency, shortage, wild
d) Completa con el sinónimo adecuado.
- calf- __________
- amazing – __________
- brave – _______
- funny – __________
- hurry – ___________
Palabras a elegir: wonderful, urge, silly, baby cow, courageous
e) Completa con la palabra adecuada para obtener una compuesta.
- black – ________
- book – ________
- heart – ________
- old – _________
- police – _________
Palabras a elegir: and soul, dog, English, review, hole
So folks… eso es todo, en cuanto a la parte de gramática y vocabulario.
Esperamos que os ayude a practicar para vuestro examen.
Respuestas Vocabulario
A) 1 slight, 2 learn, 3 obtain, 4start, 5 communicate, 6 choose
B) 1 find, 2 gather, 3 assemble, 4 increase, 5 boost
C)1 currency, 2 shortage, 3 wild, 4 easy, 5 spit
D)1 baby cow, 2 wonderful, 3 courageous, 4 silly, 5 urge
E) 1hole, 2 review, 3 and soul, 4 English, 5 dog
Hasta aquí nuestros ejercicios de gramática y vocabulario Aptis General. Te invitamos a explorar más nuestro blog y a que eches un vistazo a nuestras redes sociales en las que todos los días subimos material gratis y súper útil. No te olvides de suscribirte en nuestro canal de Youtube donde encontrarás multitud de exámenes online Aptis General para practicar.
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