14 Ago 2019 Writing Aptis for Teachers modelo
Writing Aptis for Teachers modelo
Aunque hasta hace poco nuestro foco estaba en Aptis Advanced y Aptis General por la alta demanda y personas que necesitan aclarar dudas, en las últimas semanas hemos decidido subir más material Aptis for Teachers para aquellos de vosotros que decidís presentaros a éste examen.
Cierto es, algunos lo sabéis ya, pero ésta prueba guarda mucha similitud al modelo de examen Aptis General casi en su totalidad, con la diferencia fundamental de que el Aptis for Teachers únicamente trata temas de educación.
Hoy toca a ver un modelo de writing Aptis for Teachers.
Consulta un modelo de speaking Aptis for Teachers aquí.
Writing Aptis for Teachers
En el examen es fundamental respetar el número de palabras que se te pide. No escribas más del máximo. ¿Listo? ¡A por ello!
TASK 1: Answer the following short questions by using just 5 words per questions.
- What’s the weather like today?
- Do you have any pets?
- What’s your favourite book?
- Tell me about your hobbies
- Where do you work/study?
TASK 2: You have joined a club to meet teachers from other cities. Introduce yourself. Use 20-30 words. You have 7 minutes in total.
TASK 3: Now you are talking to some other members in the teachers’ club chat room. Talk to them using sentences. Use 30 to 40 words. You have 10 minutes in total.
Teachers’ club chat:
John: Hello! Welcome to the club! Tell us what an usual school day is like. (30-40 words)
Paul: What do you teach? Tell us about your methods. (30-40 words)
Henry: Do you have many foreign pupils in your class? (30-40 words)
TASK 4: You are a member from the teachers’ club. You received this email from the club.
Dear member,
We would like to know how you would foster integration when new foreign students have just joined your classes (the different techniques and methodology, types of activities, etc). Please tell us about the advantages of your job as well.
The Club
Informal e-mail
***Write an email to a friend telling him/her about the message you received from the club. Tell him/her what you think about it. Write about 50 words. You have 10 minutes. Use friendly, informal English here, but use standard spelling and punctuation.
Formal e-mail
***Write and email to the club providing them with the information required. Write about 120-150 words. You have 20 minutes. Use formal English here. Remember to open and close your letter appropriately.
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