04 Jul 2019 Reading Aptis Advanced Parte 2
Reading Aptis Advanced
Reading Parte 2
Estamos de nuevo a la carga con información sobre el examen C1/C2 por Aptis. Pero hoy os subimos directamente un Reading Aptis Advanced elaborado por nosotros (por cierto, cualquier similitud con el examen original es mera coincidencia).
¿En qué consiste la parte 2 del Reading Aptis Advanced?
Pues es simple: hay que asignar unos títulos a unos párrafos (7 párrafos). Va a haber un heading, o título, que sobra. ¿Nivel de dificultad? Pues depende, pero suelen rondar un B2-C1-C2, dependiendo del Reading. Algunos temas pueden ser más complicados que otros. Éste Reading de Aptis Advanced lo hemos elaborado nosotros por lo que igual en el examen los Readings pueden variar un poco en cuánto al estilo.
¿Quieres más modelos de Reading Aptis Advanced?
Nosotros no somos el British Council. De hecho, los Readings que usamos en nuestras clases de preparación Aptis Advanced son elaborados por nosotros en base a temas que salen para que, como tanto repetimos, el material sea personalizado y te prepares con lo más ceñido al examen. No usamos material de otras personas y el que quiera usar estos Readings para enseñar podría al menos mencionar de dónde los ha cogido ;). De momento, si quieres más material para practicar, aquí te dejamos unos enlaces que te pueden interesar:
Primer Reading Aptis Advanced: Burning Man
Reading paragraph 1)
Each year thousands of revellers make their way to a temporary settlement situated in Nevada, USA, to express themselves through community and art with other festival goers. The annual gathering kicks off on the last Sunday of August and runs until the first Monday of September. It scratched the surface as a bonfire ritual on the summer solstice in the late 80’s when Larry Harvey, Jerry James and a few friends met on Baker Beach in San Francisco and poured gasoline and lit it on fire an 8 feet (2.4 m) tall wooden man. And with that first burning of the man, something new and significant was born.
But, what is Burning Man exactly? Well, it’s a global culture. And a way of living. And a decommodified city that participants build from scratch every year, then carefully dismantle after a week so that there’s no trace they were ever there.
Reading Aptis Advanced paragraph 2)
Ever since those friends (one of them a carpenter with a midlife crisis after a bad breakup) decided, somewhat randomly, to build a larger-than-life man out of scrap wood and burn it on the beach near San Francisco, the bonfire ritual grew into the festival that it’s often difficult to find the right words to describe it.
It doesn’t resemble a festival, a word that conjures up visions of Coachella, and it’s more organized than a gathering. This late summer event is rather as an experiment in community and art, influenced by ten main principles: radical inclusion, radical self-reliance, radical self-expression, communal effort, civic responsibility, gifting, decommodification, participation, immediacy and leave no trace.
Reading paragraph 3)
The first burning man had clearly resonated with the crowd on the beach, now it’s a temporary city erected in the Black Rock Desert of northwest Nevada. At most festivals you’ll find friends camping together in their cars and tents in what looks like a giant parking lot behind where the main festival activities take place. It’s very different at Burning Man! The majority of people who go to Burning Man are part of planned, registered camps. The main event is everywhere; it’s where people like you contribute interactive, creative, incredible experiences to share with everyone. Camps are organized groups of people doing just that. Camps are the heart of community in Black Rock City.
For many, it marks the end of summer, the festival is rounded off by living up to its title — with the burning of a giant wooden man-shaped construct.
Reading Aptis Advanced paragraph 4)
Any thoughtful exploration of Burning Man’s philosophical and historical roots must consider the ideas of Larry Harvey and his five partners in Black Rock City. This group collaboratively led Burning Man from 1998 to 2013, when Burning Man became a non-profit. These days, each of the six founders have varying levels of involvement in the operations of Burning Man and their collective influence continues to be felt in many ways throughout the community. Burning Man founder Larry Harvey wrote his own lengthy essay, which strongly defended the better-heeled denizens of the playa. But he also acknowledged how much the festival’s original ethos had changed since he and his friends built a tall wooden man and torched him on Baker beach in 1986. He called the essay Equality, Inequity, Iniquity: Concierge Culture.
Reading paragraph 5)
At Burning Man, the community explores various forms of artistic self-expression, which are created to be enjoyed by all participants. «Burning Man is about ‘why not’ overwhelming ‘why’,» one «Burner» said. Hands-on is a key precept for the community – selfless giving of one’s unique talents for the enjoyment of all is cheered and actively reinforced. Some of these generous outpourings of creativity include experimental and interactive sculptures, buildings, performances and art cars, among other media. These contributions are inspired by the yearly theme, which is chosen by the organizers. “What we had instantly created was a community,” Harvey said.
Reading Aptis Advanced paragraph 6)
The people who make up Black Rock City are not simply “attendees,” but rather active participants in every sense of the word: they create the city, the interaction, the art, the performance and ultimately the experience that is Burning Man. Your participation is a gift given to the larger community for everyone’s benefit. Participation is at the very core of Burning Man — it’s one of our Ten Principles — and the only limits (other than basic public safety) are the bounds of your imagination.
According to the Burning Man website, the region is a temporary metropolis dedicated to community, art, self-expression, and self-reliance.
Reading paragraph 7)
Here is a fact. There is just so much happening at almost every hour of the day that it is impossible to experience it all. Fear of missing out? Yes, it will happen. Even when you are experiencing something incredible, you are probably missing out on five other things that could have been equally mind-blowing. Remember how I said Burning Man is a buffet of experiences. Employ the same strategy you would at a real buffet. Eat all you want but take only what you can eat. In other words, don’t be greedy and overdo it.
Logistics and planning may not always be fun, but it’ll allow you to enjoy your time out there with one less thing to worry about. The only thing you can actually buy at Burning Man is ice and coffee. Everything else, you must bring in. Last but not least, there’s a booklet with all the planned activities by camps. There’s even an app for it!!!!
Answers: 1) Birth of a new tradition, 2) What is Burning Man, 3) A settlement, 4) The man behind the Burning Man, 5) Encourage people, 6) Different creativeness, 7) How to survive
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Posted at 19:00h, 03 noviembreWhere are the answers? I have done the exercise and I would like to know my mark please