18 Ago 2023 Job interview vocabulary: palabras y frases que debes conocer
Business English: Job interview vocabulary
En el mundo laboral tan competitivo como el actual, saber hablar inglés marca la diferencia respecto a otros candidatos para optar a un puesto de trabajo. Es por este motivo que esta vez te regalamos más conocimiento del idioma English, principalmente vocabulario útil para tus Speaking en entrevistas de trabajo – job interview vocabulary– o el Writing para una carta de motivación – cover letter.
Vocabulario para entrevista de en inglés con nombres
Noun | Example Sentence |
Achivement | Logro |
Application | Solicitud |
Co-worker | Compañero de trabajo |
Employment | Empleo, profesión, ocupación |
Experience | Experiencia |
Field | Campo, área de trabajo |
Organization | Organización |
Qualification, certificate | Cualificación |
Success | Éxito |
Resume | Carta de motivación |
Interview | Entrevista |
Proficiency | Competencia, capacidad, aptitud |
Skills | Habilidades |
Strenghts | Fortalezas |
Weaknesses | Debilidades |
Goals | Objetivos |
Team | Equipo |
Hobbies | Aficiones |
Salary | Salario |
Leader | Lider |
Job | Empleo |
Aptitude | Aptitud |
Versatile | Versátil, polifacético |
Personal qualities | Calidades personales |
Punctual | Puntual |
Reference | Referencia |
Requirement | Requisito |
Además de estas palabras, vamos a enseñarte más léxico útil para tus entrevista. Como ya sabes, siempre está bien demostrar que eres una persona responsable, capaz de cumplir con tus objetivos a tiempo y los requisitos establecidos. De ahí que Responsability sea un palabra clave que engloba asimismo otras de gran valor. Estas son:
- Accomplish – lograr
- Coordinate -coordinar
- Detail/Goal-oriented – orientado al detalle/objetivos
- Effective – eficaz
- Efficient – eficiente
- Maintained – mantaner el liderazo
- Met the deadline – cumplir con la fecha límite
- On time – a tiempo
- Organize/Organized – organizar/organizado
- Practical – práctico
- Prepare – preparar
- Provide – proveer, aportar
- Reorganize – reorganizar
- Responsible -responsable
- Results; Results-oriented – resultados/orientado hacia los resultados
- Satisfied the client’s requests – satisfecho con las preguntas del cliente
- Solution – solución
- Support – soporte
- Team player – colaborador
Furthermore, (además) es de gran importance mostrar a la compañía que tú eres aquella persona que Sí que vale en la empresa. Thus, (por lo tanto) es importante hacer un poco de research (investigación) sobre la empresa y utilizarla en tus respuestas.De esta forma, puedes hacer una sutil y positive impression (impresión positiva)
Important! Lee la parte de About us o Conocenos en su página web o redes sociales sobre la oferta de empleo. Asimismo descubrir que es lo que caracteriza la cultura de la empresa, palabras tales como talented, driven, dedicated, innovative and ambitious son las más comunes all around the world. Last but not less important (por último pero no menos importante) intentar utilizar sinónimos de estas palabras para que no se note que os lo habéis aprendido de memoria.
Passion … o pasión es otra palabra que muchos entrevistadores están interesados en oír, en si eres la persona verdaderamente interesada en hacer tal empleo, since (ya que) people who are passioante (la gente que es apasionada) suele tomarse los cambio de formas positivas. Some useful words are (algunas palabras útiles son):
- Energized – activo
- Enthusiastic – entusiasta
- Interested –interesado/a en
- Love – encantar
- Motivated – motivado
- Priority – prioridad
- Win – ganar
In a nutshell, (finalmente) si te gustaría un empleo de liderazgo como una posición de manager, es noteworthy (imporante) el uso de palabras fuertes y verbos de acción. Decir los proyectos a los que has liderado así como los resultados de tus logros.
- Accelerate – accelerar
- Accomplish – lograr
- Build – construir
- Coordinate – coordinar
- Deliver – entregar
- Develop – desarrollar
- I handled that by… – Lo maneje mediante…
- Initiative – iniciativa
- Innovative – inovador
- Negotiated – negociado
- Plan – planear
- Resolve – resolver
- Supervise – supervisar
Ejemplo de examen sobre job interview vocabulary tipo test para practicar
1. When did you start your current ____ ( = job)? position occupations
2. May left her last job because she felt that her boss didn’t recognize her ___.
3. Marc has always been a good team _______. ( = to work well with other people)
4. Josh believes he’s a good ____________________ for that position.
5. Tell me something about your __________ job ( = your last job).
6. Kate got good communication skills _____________ as a customer service representative.
while working
on working
as working
7. What does «rep» stand for?
8. You shouldn’t discuss salary until the interviewer ________ ( = starts talking about it).
brings up it
brings it on it
brings it up
9. An interviewer might ask you what your «salary _____» are. ( = a formal way of asking about money)
10. Most of companies want to hire a person who can ______ well.
take on pressure/stress
handle pressure/stress
get pressure on/stress
Answers (respuestas):
- work, 2. accomplishments, 3. player, 4. fit 5. previous 6. while working, 7. representative, 8. bring it up, 9. requirements, 10. handle pressure/stress
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Verb B-C | Example Sentence |
blend (combinar) | Carl blended traditional approaches with new insights. |
bring (traer) | I brought a team player sensibility to the job. |
build (construir) | We built more than 200 homes. |
carriy out (llevar a cabo) | I carried out a wide range of duties. |
catalog (listar) | I cataloged our company’s library. |
collaborate (colaborar) | We’ve collaborated with more than fifty clients. |
complete (complete) | I completed the highest level of the training. |
conceive (concebir) | I’ve conceived of numerous products. |
conduct (llevar a cabo) | I conducted telephone surveys. |
construct (construir) | I constructed prototypes for marketing. |
consult (consultar) | I’ve consulted on a wide range of issues. |
contract (bajo contrato) | I’ve contracted with large and small businesses. |
controll (controlar) | I controlled more than $40,000,000. |
cooperate (cooperar) | I cooperated successfully on more than team projects. |
coordinate (coordinar) | I coordinated between sales and marketing departments. |
correct (corregir) | I edited and corrected company brochures. |
counsel (aconsejar) | I counseled clients on insurance policies. |
create (crear) | She created more than twenty advertising campaigns. |
Verb D-E | Example Sentence |
deal (tratar) | I’ve dealt with a wide variety of issues. |
decide (decidir) | I’ve decided I need to further my career. |
decrease (disminuir) | I decreased spending while improving profits. |
delegate (delegar) | I’ve delegated tasks on a number of projects. |
detect (detectar) | I detected a number of mistakes. |
develope (desarrollar) | I developed an invention. |
devise (concebir) | I devised a plan to improve profits. |
direct (dirigir) | I directed the sales department. |
discover (descubrir) | I discovered the reason. |
distribute (distribuir) | We distributed throughout the country. |
document (documentar) | I documented company policies. |
double (duplicar) | We doubled profits in only two years. |
edit (comunicar) | I edited company communications. |
encourage (animar) | We encouraged research and development. |
engineer (editar) | I engineered a wide range of applications. |
enlarge (agrandar) | I enlarged our community outreach. |
escalate (intensificar) | We escalated the problems to the director. |
establish (establecer) | I established company guidelines. |
estimate (estimar) | I estimated future costs. |
evaluate (evaluar) | I evaluated investment opportunities. |
examine (examinar) | I examined sites for pollution. |
expande (expandir) | I expanded our sales to Canada. |
experience (experiementar) | We experienced difficulties meeting the deadline. |
explore (explorar) | We explored a wide range of possibilities. |
Verb F-L | Example Sentence |
facilitate (facilitar) | I facilitated an exchange of ideas between the companies. |
finalize (finalizar) | I finalized projections for the year. |
formulate (formular) | I formulated answers to the questions. |
found (fundar) | I’ve founded two companies. |
function (funcionar) | I functioned as a liaison between management and employees. |
guide (guiar) | I guided operations through the process. |
handle (manejar) | I handled customer complaints. |
head (guiar) | I headed an exploratory committee. |
identify (identificar) | I identified issues and reported back to management. |
implement (implement) | I implemented company plans. |
improve (mejorar) | I improved the feedback process. |
increase (mejorar) | We increased sales by over 50%. |
initiate (iniciar) | I initiated investments into the latest technology. |
inspect (inspeccionar) | We inspected more than two hundred companies. |
install (instalar) | I installed air-conditioning units. |
introduce (introducir) | We introduced innovate products. |
invent (inventar) | The company invented double-sided tape. |
investigate (investigar) | I investigated customer complaints. |
lead (guiar) | I led the sales department to its best year. |
Verb M-P | Example Sentence |
maintain (mantener) | I maintained the company database. |
manage (manejar) | I’ve managed more than five hundred employees. |
moderate (moderar) | I moderated negotiations between the two companies. |
negotiate (negociar) | I negotiated a better deal for the company. |
operate (operar) | I’ve operated heavy machinery. |
organize (organizar) | I’ve organized many projects. |
perform (desempeñar) | I performed as company clerk. |
pioneer (liderar) | We pioneered new sound technologies. |
plan (planear) | I planned company retreats. |
prepare (preparar) | I prepared documents for management. |
present (presentar) | I presented at many conferences. |
program (programar) | I programmed the company database. |
promote (promocionar) | I promoted employees in human resources. |
provide (aportar) | We provided feedback to management. |
purchase (comprar) | I purchased materials for the company. |
Verb M-P | Example Sentence |
maintain (mantener) | I maintained the company database. |
manage (manejar) | I’ve managed more than five hundred employees. |
moderate (moderar) | I moderated negotiations between the two companies. |
negotiate (negociar) | I negotiated a better deal for the company. |
operate (operar) | I’ve operated heavy machinery. |
organize (organizar) | I’ve organized many projects. |
perform (desempeñar) | I performed as company clerk. |
pioneer (liderar) | We pioneered new sound technologies. |
plan (planear) | I planned company retreats. |
prepare (preparar) | I prepared documents for management. |
present (presentar) | I presented at many conferences. |
program (programar) | I programmed the company database. |
promote (promocionar) | I promoted employees in human resources. |
provide (aportar) | We provided feedback to management. |
purchase (comprar) | I purchased materials for the company. |
Verb R-Z | Example Sentence |
recommend (recomendar) | I recommended cutbacks at the company. |
record (registrar) | I recorded notes during meetings. |
recruit (contratar) | We recruited the best talent. |
redesign (rediseñar) | I redesigned company workflow. |
repair (reparar) | I repaired watches for a few years. |
replace (reemplazar) | I replaced the director after only six months. |
restore (devolver) | I restored the company to profitability. |
reverse (revertir) | We reversed the trend and grew. |
review (analizar) | I reviewed company documents and made recommendations. |
revise (repasar) | I revised figures at the end of each quarter. |
screen (filtrar) | I screened applicants during job interviews. |
select (seleccionar) | I selected employees and assigned tasks. |
service (servir) | We serviced all the buses in the area. |
set up (instalar) | I set up four branches. |
stimulate (estilar) | I stimulated discussion between departments. |
strengthen (fortalecer) | We strengthened sales abroad. |
summarize (resumir) | I summarized complex ideas so everyone could understand. |
supervise (dirigir) | I supervised two teams on the project. |
support (apoyar) | I supported management with research. |
test (verificar) | I tested a number of devices in the field. |
train (entrenar) | I trained employees. |
transform (transformar) | We transformed the company in a short time. |
upgrade (actualizar) | We upgraded our IT infrastructure. |
validate (validar) | I validated customer claims. |
Es fundamental prepararte adecuadamente para una entrevista de trabajo y con más razón si no es en tu idioma nativo. Utiliza los recursos que te damos, las palabras claves en ingles para una entrevista y haz ejercicios de role-playing para poner en práctica tu job interview vocabulary. ¡A por ello!
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