01 Dic 2022 25 Phrasal verbs en inglés que debes saber (lista+ejemplos)
25 Phrasal verbs que debes saber
It’s a must! Las phrasal verbs (verbos + preposiciones = un significado propio) son un deber y es que lo sabemos todos sobre la importancia de estas estructuras, ¿quién no conoce un par de ellas al menos? Not only (no sólo) son útiles para saber más vocabulario en inglés, but also (sino también) para ganar más amplitud de significados en diferentes contextos 😉
Así pues, desde el Salón de Idiomas, os dejamos 25 Phrasal verbs para saber.
Add up (sumar – tener lógica) | These two accounts don’t add up properly, there must be a mistake somewhere. Just add it up so you get the result. |
Blow up ( hinchar – explotar – cabrearse) | Please could you blow up those balloons? The building was blown up by a bomb. When I said I couldn’t go to her party, she blew up. |
Bring up (sacar un tema de algo – criar algo) | Their grandparents brought them up because their parents were always travelling. Don’t bring up the fight again, please! |
Call off (suspender – cancelar) | Maria called off the wedding, she decided she didn’t love him. Call off your dog! He’s attacking my cat. |
Come across (toparse con – parecer – cruzarse) | Julia came across as a bit bossy. “I tried to sound happy but it came across as over-excited. Luis was leaving the fruit shop and he came across Tom, what a coincidence. |
Come up with (inventarse – conseguir) | We finally came up with a solution to the problem!. |
Fall apart (desarmarse) | My cake fell apart when I tried to cut it. After the divorce, she fell apart. |
Get along (llevarse bien, arreglárselas, prosperar, progresar) | We’re not together anymore, but we get along great. How are you getting along at playing the guitar? It was lovely to see you, but my friend has to get along, she has class. Her grandma is getting along; she’s almost 99. |
Get away (escaper – fugarse – escabullirse) | I cannot wait to get away from the city, The thieves managed to get away in a stolen car. Yvonne is always lying, I can’t understand how she gets away with it |
Get over (superar – recuperarse – ponerse mejor) | I got over my fear of flying, Finally, Kylie got over her ex-boyfriend, Have you heard? Dave has got over the flu. |
Give up (renunciar) | We all gave up smoking on January 1st, |
Go on (partir de viaje – seguir ) | They landed in Paris and then went on to Montpellier. You go on to the restaurant, I’ll come in 10 minutes. What’s going on? What’s happening? Go on! Try it, it’s delicious |
Hold on (mantener) | Hold on to the railing, that way you won’t fall. I will hold on to my job until May. |
Look after (cuidar) | The nurse looked after the patient for months, until he was better. |
Look forward to (ansiar – anhelar) | William is really looking forward to going on holiday. |
Look up (mejorar – buscar información) | The economy is finally looking up. Let’s look up his number in the yellow pages. |
Make out (hacer – descifrar – liarse) | Who shall I make the check out to? I can’t make out what you’re saying, can you speak louder? We made out in the back of his car. |
Pass out (desmayarse – distribuir) | Lisa was so tired, she got home and passed out on the sofa. I passed out leaflets with information on our course. |
Pull over (estacionar) | That looks like a lovely restaurant, can you pull the car over and park? |
Put down (colocar – apuntar–sacrificar ) | You can put the suitcases down in the bedroom. He put down his memories to write a book when he was older. My husband and I are going to put down some money to buy that house in the centre of town. Jessica had to have her rabbit put down; it was very sick. |
Put off (postergar – causar rechazo) | Graham was so tired he put the shopping off until next week. You’re putting me off my food, stop talking about insects!. |
Put up with (tolerar – aguantar) | My mother won’t put up with my sisters or I swearing. |
Turn up (aparecer – presentarse – aumentar) | Oh! My phone turned up in my bed!. As always, Julian turned up late. Please turn the music up, I love this song!. |
Watch out (estar atento) | Watch out in the mountain, there are bears there! |
So that’s all follks!!! eso es todo amigos 🙂 esperamos que os haya parecido interesante y muy útil para vuestras conversaciones, writing o lo que sea necesario.
Keep in touch!
El equipo Salon de Idiomas
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