
18 Sep 2023 Collocations en inglés C1 C2: amplía tu vocabulario avanzado
Collocations en inglés C1 C2: potencia tu fluidez lingüística
El saber no ocupa lugar… Qué frase más bonita, for God’s sake! Aprender no tiene limites porque que la vida misma es un continuo aprendizaje y los interesados en aprender idiomas siempre pueden contar con nosotros. Vale, nos dejamos de filosofías. Hoy os vamos a enseñar unas cuantas collocations en inglés C1 C2, o lo que viene a ser las colocaciones en inglés de nivel avanzado.
Nuestros alumnos que se están preparando exámenes oficiales que presentan este tipo de formación de palabras, como los exámenes Aptis, están on fire con las colocaciones en inglés. Y es que las collocations Aptis tienen tela. Es por ello que nos vamos a centrar en qué son, cómo estudiarlas y, sobre todo, vamos a aprender una lista de colocaciones en inglés que nos puede ayudar a conseguir ese nivel que buscamos.
¿Qué son las colocaciones en inglés?
Las collocation son una combinación o grupo de palabras que se utilizan juntas y que tienen un significado diferente a lo que particula tendría de forma individual. Los idioms y los phrasal verbs se podrían incluir como collocations pero entre comillas, pues realmente no lo son. Las collocations son abstractas y no tienen una explicación clara además de haber una gran cantidad de collocacions en inglés ¡Toma ya! Por eso tienes que tener en cuenta que las collocations son importantes ya que usándolas denotas un buen manejo del vocabulario y hace que tu inglés suene más natural, más parecido al inglés hablado por los nativos. Y, bueno, si te preparas Aptis tienes que conocer collocations yes o yes!
Algunos nos preguntarán, ¿Cómo aprendo las colocaciones en inglés?
¿Cómo estudiar las colocaciones en inglés?
Aunque nos centraremos luego en ver collocations en inglés C1 C2, te dejamos 5 pautas importante que podéis aplicar a este tipo de formación de todos los niveles:
- Para aprender bien inglés tienes que olvidarte de la traducción hecha exactamente de tu lengua materna al inglés porque seguramente al hacer la traducción literalmente, te equivocarás.
- A la hora de aprender nuevas expresiones intenta escribir algunas palabras para quedarte con ellas mejor. Esto es aprender el idioma como una suma de frases, como es en el caso de la collocations. No olvides que leer y escuchar libros o audio libros en inglés te va ayudar muchísimo para interiorizar alguna collocation sin que incluso no te des cuenta.
- Aprende de los errores hechos en inglés o por ti o por los demás (en nuestro blog oficial hay un articulo sobre los errores más comunes en inglés y en FB hay varias infografias que te permitirán quedarte con alguna cosa).
- No te desesperes, take it step by step porque ya sabes en la vida lo que más te cuesta hacer es lo más gratificante, por eso haciendo ejercicios de todas las habilidades, vas a ver una mejora en todas las ellas.
- Por último no olvides utilizar el diccionario como OZDIC donde poniendo sólo una palabra te van a aparecer una gran cantidad de collocations in English.
Collocations que se pueden formar con palabra «rich»
A rich person (having a lot of money or property)
- She is one of the richest women in the world.
A rich history / culture / vocabulary (very interesting and full of variety)
- This region has a rich history and culture.
- He has a rich vocabulary.
A rich sauce / cake (containing a lot of fat, butter, eggs, etc. and making you feel full quickly)
- The spaghetti was covered in a rich sauce.
Rich colors / sounds / smells / tastes (strong or deep; very beautiful or pleasing)
- The artist is famous for the use of rich reds in her paintings.
Tipos de collocations in English
- Adjetivos: muchas collocations se pueden formar añadiendo adjetivos a sustantivos y a adverbios, aún así aquí hay varios ejemplos de collocations solo con adjetivos: Deep feeling, deep pockets, deep sleep, deep trouble/ Heavy rain, heavy sleeper, a heavy drinker, heavy snow, heavy traffic./ Strong smell, strong sense, strong denial.
- Adjetivos y sustantivos: We had a brief chat.
- Sustantivos y verbos se pueden utilizar ambos de forma conjunta para crear una collocation: Service industry, tea leaf, dogs bark, water flows, paper flutters, blurred vision, critical analysis. The economy boomed.
- Sustantivo y sustantivo (hay muchas collocation con el formato a … of …) a surge of anger, a sense of pride, a pang of nostalgia
- Verbos y expresiones con preposiciones: go on stage; swelling with pride; filled with horror; spill juice on; burst into tears
- Verbos y adverbios: pull steadily; whisper soflty; smile proudly
- Adverbios y adjetivos: happily married; fully aware; blissfully unaware
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Listado de collocations in English nivel avanzado
Ahora vamos a poneros algunas collocations C1 C2 en inglés de cada tema: family, relationships, appearance, Character & Behavior, Feelings, Houses & Apartments, Movies & Books, Music, Sport, Health & Sickness, Computer, Study, Academic English, Work.
1. Family collocations
Immediate family (parents & siblings); extended family (all your relatives); family tree; family members; distant relative; loving family = close-knit family; carefree childhood; disfuntional family; troubled childhood; bitter divorce – messy divorce – divorce settlement; broken home; custody of the children; grant joint custody; sole custody; award sole custody; pay child support; mutual divorce/separation; on good terms with each other; get pregnant; single mother; have an abortion; give the baby up for adoption; due date; baby is due; have the baby; give birth; adoptive parents; raise the child; bring up the child; adopted child; birth mother (biological mother)
2. Relationships collocations
Make friends; casual acquaintances; good/close friends; love at first sight; fall in love; strong chemistry; soul mate; have feelings for; the feeling is not mutual; he’s/she’s just nt my type; unrequited love; childhood sweetheart/high school/college sweetheart (boyfriend/girlfriend from your childhood) mutual friend; make a commitment; propose to the woman; happily married; have an affair; cheat on the husband/wife.
3. Appearance collocations
Absolutely gorgeous; long-sleek-jet-black hair; pale blue eyes; a radiant complexion; hourglass figure; slender waist; round face; upturned nose; bears a striking resemblance to; hideously ugly; curly, shoulder-length hair; unkempt = messy hair; square face; ruddy complexion =reddish skin; deep-set eyes; bushy eyebrows; thick mustache: shaggy beard; facial hair; athletic build: broad shoulders: muscular arms; trim his beard; comb his-her hair; somewhat attractive.
4. Character & Behavior collocations
Painfully shy; vivid imagination; outgoing personality; sense of humor; brutally honest; hurt my feelings; fiercely loyal; show her/his true color; play a prank; bore a grudge; low self-esteem; a mean streak; come out of my shell; have a thicker skin; speak their minds; have a tendency to be; have a superiority complex; swallow my pride; put others first.
5. Feelings collocations
Roller coaster of emotions; ridiculously excited; blissfully happy; worried sick; increasingly anxious, seething with anger; visibly disappointed; show her/his feelings; bottle up her/his emotions; terribly sorry; lost my temper; deeply depressed; emotional wreck; pleasantly surprised; immensely grateful; overwhelmed with emotion.
6. Houses & Apartments collocations
Short-term rental; two-bedroom apartment; studio apartment; five-story building; overlooking the ocean; have a nice view of the city skyline; recently renovated; fully furnished; spacious-living room; the bedrooms were rather cramped; feel homesick; have a place on my own; affordable housing; upscale neighborhoods; take out a mortgage; pay it off; down payment; move into a new place; throw a housewarming party.
7. Eating collocations
Eating habits; junk food; go on diet; processed foods; food additives; balanced diet; nourishing meals; organic food; fresh produce; quick snack; eat in moderation; portion sizes; home-cooked meal; hearty stew; healthy appetite; a second helping = a second portion; international cuisine; food poisoning; light meals; spoil her/his appetite.
8. Movies & Books collocations
Movie trailer; the movies comes out; movie theater; opening night; film critics’ reviews; nominated for an award; movie stars; starring in an upcoming film; based on a true story; shooting the film on-site; leading role; box-office hit; engrossed in a book; main character; borrow books from the library; controversial topic; interesting and enjoyable read; return the book to the library; beginning and end; opening and closing scenes; opening and closing chapters.
9. Music collocations
Musically gifted; sheet music; strumming a guitar; composing music; song lyrics; a sizable following (a lot of fans); playing gigs (giving small, informal performances) record their debut album; a remixed track; a massive hit (a very popular song); catchy tune; upbeat tempo (fast rhythm); album will be released; record it live; going on tour; big break; music industry; singing along; completely tone-deaf; sing off-key; contemporary music = modern music classical music orchestral/instrumental music = music with instruments only (no singing) rock music solo album = CD featuring one singer alone, not in a group of singers compilation album = a CD with a collection of songs from many different singers/bands cult following.
10. Sport collocations
- Play (for team sports) play soccer; play basketball; play tennis; play baseball; play golf
- Do (individual sports) do gymnastics; do martial arts; do aerobics; do exercise; lift weights
- Go (is used with most activities that end in -ing) go swimming; go biking; go surfing; go rock climbing; go bowling; go fishing
- game & match: a soccer game; a basketball game; a tennis match; win/lose the game; tie de game (final score 1-1) home game; away game; tournament: to have the lead; make a comeback;
- Competition: a gymnastics competition; a martil arts competition; a surfing competition; an ice skatng competition; race; enter a competition; first place; enhance performance; fail a drug test; achieve a personal best; break the world record/set a new world record; withdraw from the competition;
11. Health & Sickness collocations
Lifestyle changes; overall health; life expectancy; quit smoking, reduce stress, eat a balanced diet, get plenty of sleep, exercise regularly; get vaccinations/immunizations; health insurance; suffer/sustain serious injuries; minor injuries; broken/fractured a bone; put your leg in a cast; give you stitches; prevent infection; minor ailment; take some aspirin; relieve the pain; suffer from a chronic condition; over the counter; prescription medications; alleviate the symptoms; have/catch a cold; sexually-transmitted diseases (STDs); to be diagnosed with; terminally ill.
12. Computers collocations
To start up/shut down the computer; get online/access the internet; check her e-mail; write and send messages, reply to an e-mail, forward an e-mail; attach a file; log into her bank account online; website was down; home page; scheduled maintenance; search engine; surfing/browsing the web; social media; pressing the wrong key; deleting an important file; recover the file; the computer freezes or locks up (stops moving/functioning); restart/reboot the computer.
It’s also a good idea for her to back up her files; computer crashes; install a program; runs scans for viruses and spyware infected.
13. Study collocations
Pre-school; kindergarten; primary/elementary school (which consists of first grade through fifth grade); middle school (sixth grade through eighth grade; high school (which is ninth grade through twelfth grade).
apply to colleges/universities; send in/submit your application; got good grades; get / be awarded a scholarship; take classes/courses; take notes; giving the lecture; give/make presentations; do research; write an essay, an assignment, a report, or a paper. After you hand in your work, the teacher will grade the assignment (give you an evaluation, for example, 90%) and give you feedback (comments on your work).
To evaluate your progress, you’ll take tests/exams. If you get the minimum number of points required, you’ve passed the test; if you don’t get the minimum number of points, you’ve failed the test. It’s also possible to pass/fail a course.
14. Academic English collocations
Make an outline; gather evidence; support your claims; propose a theory; challenge/refure a theory; touch on several issues; draw a distinction; draw parallels; fall into different categories; make your case; first draft; go into detail; revise the paper; final draft; carry out a study; key factor; play a role/part; perfect examples; clear illustrations; prove your points; briefly summarize; draw conclucions; raise questions.
15. Work collocations
Doing an internship; enrey-level job; minimum wage; a good team player; get a promotion/get a raise; be fired/dismissed; a heavy workload; work overtime; demanding job; quit your job; get a job; competitive salary; generous benefits; well-paid/rewarding job; career change; applying for a job; job ads; interview the candidates; job description; job seekers; menial job; earn a living; between jobs; a great job offer; dream job
Hasta aquí, sweet followers, la explicaciones de las collocations y el listado de colocaciones en inglés de nivel avanzado. Para más información y material gratuito, os invitamos a seguirnos en nuestras redes sociales: Instagram Salón de Idiomas, Facebook Salón de Idiomas, Spotify, Tik Tok y Youtube Salón de Idiomas.
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Posted at 16:28h, 19 febreroMe gustan mucho vuestros listados y compilaciones. Con todo, os recomiendo que reviséis a fondo cada publicación, pues contienen bastantes errores que pueden confundir a los lectores. En esta sección, por ejemplo, además de algunos misspellings, se mencionan combinaciones de tipos de palabras que no son tales. Service industry, tea leaf o critical analysis no son combinaciones de sustantivos y verbos… Hay muchos más despistes de este tipo. Gracias!