08 Feb 2022 Trinity ISE II modelo de examen
Trinity ISE II modelo examen
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Hoy estamos on fire. Nuestra entrada Trinity ISE II modelo examen trae, como su nombre indica, un modelo completo para practicar. La parte de Reading and Writing va acompañado del enlace al mismo examen en nuestro canal de Youtube para poder realizarlo junto a la parte del Speaking y Listening. Las respuestas se encuentran en las descripción del video de Youtube también. Claro que, para cualquier duda o ayuda, en Salón de Idiomas estamos a tu disposición.
📣 Modelo examen Trinity ISE II on-line
Trinity ISE II: todo sobre este examen
ISE II Test 1 – Task 1 – Long Reading
Read the following text about space travel and answer the 15 questions on the next page.
Space Travel
Paragraph 1
People have always dreamed of leaving planet Earth and exploring outer space. Sputnik, the first artificial satellite, was launched in 1957. A human being went into space in 1961. Nowadays, aided by huge technological advancements, astronauts spend up to a year on orbiting space stations and robotic explorers have visited nearly all the planets in our solar system.
Paragraph 2
The first challenge of space exploration was developing rockets powerful enough to escape Earth’s gravity, with guidance systems reliable enough to reach their destinations. The next was constructing lightweight, durable satellites and maintaining radio communication with them. Exceptionally high standards of reliability in manufacturing and testing are necessary and a number of product innovations in daily use are a result of attempts to solve specific logistical problems connected with life in space.
Paragraph 3
In addition to overcoming the challenges of no atmosphere, extremes of temperature and cosmic radiation, it was necessary to develop tools and techniques for space navigation, scientific observations and experiments and coping with incidental crises as they arose. The Apollo program, which in 1969 sent astronauts to the Moon and back, was a huge achievement watched globally by millions on (pre satellite) TV, although some have subsequently claimed that the whole spectacle was an elaborate hoax. In addition to overcoming the challenges of no atmosphere, extremes of temperature and cosmic radiation, it was necessary to develop tools and techniques for space navigation, scientific observations and experiments and coping with incidental crises as they arose. The Apollo program, which in 1969 sent astronauts to the Moon and back, was a huge achievement watched globally by millions on (pre satellite) TV, although some have subsequently claimed that the whole spectacle was an elaborate hoax.
Paragraph 4
Emphasis then shifted to maximizing efficiency and comfort during long-term stays on space stations and developing reusable spacecraft. The latter resulted in the space shuttle fleet but encountered a major setback when the U.S. spaceship Challenger exploded shortly after takeoff in 1986.
Paragraph 5
A great advantage of putting satellites into space is the ability to look back at Earth (Landsat1 went into polar orbit in 1972). Large-scale photos enable observation of land masses, oceans and weather patterns, remote regions can be mapped in detail and electromagnetic cameras return a wealth of useful data, for example infrared images which allow researchers to discriminate between healthy crops and diseased ones.
Questions 1-5 (one mark per question)
The text on the previous page has five paragraphs (1-5). Choose the best title for each paragraph from A-F below and write the letter (A-F) on the lines below. There is one title you don’t need.
- Paragraph 1 …………………
- Paragraph 2 …………………
- Paragraph 3 …………………
- Paragraph 4 …………………
- Paragraph 5 …………………
- Earth watching.
- From Sputnik to now.
- An elaborate hoax.
- Man on the moon.
- Space shuttles.
- Development and production challenges
Questions 6-10 (one mark per question)
Choose the five statements from A-H below that are true according to the information given in the text on the previous page. Write the letters of the TRUE statements on the lines below (in any order).
- ………………… 7. ………………… 8. ………………… 9. ………………… 10. ……………….
A Tech progress is a perk for many astronauts odyssey.
B Effectiveness was one of the main concerns for long-term stays on space stations.
C Space exploration was indeed a straightforward task.
D The reusable spacecraft was a catalyst in the long-term stays on the space station.
E Left-handers have greater advantages in faster sports.
F Uncertainty was the main issue to some audiences regarding Apollo’s mission.
G Greater silver linings of satellites into space lead to a detailed picture of Earth.
H A great number of trials were not compulsory.
Questions 11-15 (one mark per question)
Complete sentences 11-15 with a word, phrase or number from the text (maximum three words). Write the word, phrase or number in the space provided.
- Today astronauts devote their time more or less about ……………. (11.) on space stations.
- The demanding task of space adventure was thriving potent……………. (12.) to get away from Earth’s gravity.
- Long term stays on the space station required an enhancement in ……….… (13.).
- Some cynicism arose from watching the …………. (14.) on TV.
- Investigators make use of …………. (15.) records in order to sort out free from diseased crops.
ISE II Test 1 – Task 2 – Multi-task reading
In this part there are four short texts for you to read and 15 questions for you to answer.
Questions 16-20 (one mark per question)
Read questions 16-20 first and then read texts A, B, C and D below the questions. As you read each text, decide which text each question refers to. Choose one letter – A, B, C or D – and write it on the lines below. You can use any letter more than once.
Which text
- highlights the compost usages for the expected future? ……………………
- mentions the lifespan of the biodegradation process? ……………………
- illustrates a faulty process of recycling? ……………………
- points out the perks of certain material and shape of a product? ……………………
- explains that sometimes it does not make a difference one process or another? ………………
B) Benefits of Biodegradable Utensils
There are several benefits to choosing biodegradable utensils over those made of petroleum-based plastic. In general, they are simply much better for the environment:
Less Pollution: The manufacturing of biodegradable plastics causes far less environmental pollution than that of petroleum-based plastics. In addition, when plastics made from biodegradable materials eventually break down, they decompose into elements that are nontoxic and harmless. In fact, they create far fewer greenhouse gases than those plastics made from petroleum-based materials, creating only about 32% of those created by petroleum-based ones.
Less Energy: Biodegradable plastics require just 35% of the energy necessary to make petroleum-based plastics.
Fewer Nonrenewable Resources: There are approximately 200,000 barrels of oil used every single day in order to keep up with the manufacturing of plastics made from petroleum-based products. By using products made from biodegradable materials, there can be a marked reduction in the use of nonrenewable resources.
Less Waste: Using plastics that are biodegradable overwhelmingly aids in the reduction of waste. They can be used in compost heaps rather than being placed in traditional landfills. That compost can then be turned into fertilizer for future use, instead of lying in a landfill for the foreseeable future.
D) Q&A
The most common questions below regarding compostable wood cutlery.
Q: What does compostable mean? Compostable means that a product can break down into natural materials like carbon dioxide, water, and biomass in about 90 days.
Q: Is disposable wood cutlery compostable? Yes. Wood Cutlery can be composted in a home or backyard compost as well as in a commercial composting facility.
Q: Is compostable plastic a better choice than plastic? When confronted with an environmental crisis, there is always a steep learning curve before we get a grip of the problem. Although a step in the right direction, «compostable plastics» do not actually compost in a natural setting. Because they look like plastic they sometimes end up in the recycling bin and recyclers have to sort them out. Because of the same assumption, composters sort them out as well. So, no matter where they get discarded in most cases they will end up in the landfill where they might take the same amount of time to degrade like plastic. Whether they are still a better option than plastic is up to the consumer, but they are clearly not a truly sustainable alternative to single use plastic.
Q: How long does it take for wood cutlery/plastic cutlery/compostable plastic cutlery to degrade in a landfill? Currently, there is no study that confirms an exact timeframe for wood cutlery to degrade in a landfill. Since landfills are designed for waste to degrade much slower than in a natural setting, it will take longer though, than in your backyard compost! As a natural product birch cutlery can be compared to food waste. Food waste is estimated to decompose within 6-24 months in a landfill.
Q: Does using wood cutlery harm tree populations? It is a common misunderstanding that wood products harm tree populations. Wood is one of the most sustainable materials that can be used. It absorbs CO2 while it is growing and creates habitats for wildlife. It is important though to only use raw materials from responsibly managed forests like Foodstiks does.
Q: How much wood is needed to make the cutlery? The manufacturing process for our wood cutlery is very efficient. One tree the size of a telephone pole can produce up to 20,000 pieces of cutlery.
Questions 21-25 (one mark per question)
Choose the five statements from A-H below that are true according to the information given in the texts on the previous pages. Write the letters of the TRUE statements on the lines below (in any order).
- ………………… 22. ………………… 23. ………………… 24. ………………… 25. …………………
A Wood cutlery lacks a recycling process, though it is a valuable good.
B The main product and its accessories are made out of reused material.
C The utility of a tree leads to a great number of pieces of cutlery.
D Plant matter is clean and healthy.
E Greenhouse effects can be extremely diminished by the substitute of the so called plastic.
F There’s no easy task to arrange all different kinds of plastic in the proper order.
G There are plenty of benefits in a plastic spoon.
H Minor usage of electricity is a plus for the manufacturing of biodegradable plastic.
Questions 26-30 (one mark per question)
The summary notes below contain information from the texts on the previous pages. Find a suitable word or phrase in the texts A-D to complete the missing information in gaps 26-30. Write your answers in the spaces provided and you can use up to three words.
Summary notes
The process
- Undoubtedly the advantages of choosing biodegradable utensils are numerous, for instance less pollution.
- The creation of (26.) ……………………… could be lower when it comes to biodegradable plastics if we compare it with petroleum-based plastics.
- Up to (27.)………………………… are required on a daily basis for creating products based on petroleum.
- Therefore resorting to biodegradable plastics (28.)…………………………. the reduction of waste.
- Even though plastic plays a major role in every world’s society, there is an increasing number of compostable materials like wood cutlery.
- Actually wood is the most sustainable material out there.
- As a matter of fact, some cutlery made out of (29.)………………………….. can even be compared to food waste.
- (30.)……………………….and………………….. are some natural materials that biodegradable utensils can compost into.
ISE II Test 1 – Task 3 – Reading into writing
You have been talking about compostable products in your English class and your teacher has asked you to write an essay (150-180 words) about the topic. Use the information you read in Task 2 to:
∙ Describe the process of composting
∙ Explain the benefits
∙ Give some tips on how people can start using them.
Plan your essay before you start writing. Think about what you want to say and make some notes in the box below.
Planning notes (no marks are given for these notes)
Now write your essay of 150-180 words. Try to use your own words as far as possible. When you have finished your essay, spend 2-3 minutes reading through what you have written. Make sure you have covered all three bullet points. Remember to check how you made use of the reading texts, as well as checking the language and organisation of your writing.
ISE II Test 1 – Task 4 – Extended writing
You recently attended a conference called “Telecommuting is here to stay” where you acquired new insights about remote-working and the balance between personal life and work. Write an article (150- 180 words) about the topic. You can:
∙ Describe the new trends in the workplace
∙ Give details about the effectivity and consequences telecommuting entails
∙ Give your opinion on the matter
Plan your article before you start writing. Think about what you want to say and make some notes in the box below.
Planning notes (no marks are given for these notes)
Now write your article of 150-180 words.
When you have finished your article, spend 2-3 minutes reading through what you have written. Make sure you have covered all three bullet points and remember to check the language and organisation of your writing.
Trinity ISE II modelo de examen
Bien. Si deseas poder escuchar y hacer el ejercicio de Listening y ver también cómo podría ser la parte de Speaking del examen Trinity, entra en este enlace de Youtube. En este video tienes todo el examen completo de Trinity ISE II. 👇
Trinity ISE II Modelo de examen completo (audio incluido)
Enlaces útiles para preparar el Speaking y el Writing del examen Trinity ISE:
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