04 Dic 2019 EOI C1 examen
EOI C1 examen
Bueno, bueno.
Hoy volvemos a la carga pero no con material Aptis, sino con material C1 por la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas, en concreto un modelo de examen Advanced completo. Sois muchos los que buscáis preparaos el examen C1 EOI por libre y para ello necesitáis modelos de examen actualizados. Seguro que ya conocéis algunos como éste sitio o éste otro o la guía del eoi que, de momento no parece estar muy actualizada Sin embargo, en febrero de 2019 hubo novedades en la prueba y es por ello que os traemos una entrada de EOI C1 examen Advanced actualizado. Os dejamos la explicación de los nuevos cambios aquí .
Tutorial EOI examen C1 mediación
Modelo de examen C1 Escuela Oficial de Idiomas
Podéis ver en la tabla de arriba un extracto de las partes de la prueba, sus tareas y duración, así somo la puntuación que tienen. La tabla corresponde a la convocatoria del examen en 2019. Como habréis visto, en cada comunidad los modelos y estructura del examen varían bastante. Aquí os dejamos un examen realizado por nosotros con una estructura parecida a la convocatoria de febrero 2019 (algunas cosas, pocas, están extraídos de otras fuentes pero mencionamos la fuente si quieres más información). ¿Listos para la carga?
Use of English C1 C2 o Vocabulario C1 C2 te ayudarán para la parte del speaking y writing de tu examen C1 por la EOI.
EOI C1 examen modelo
Si deseas practicar más exámenes por la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas parecidos en el Salón de Idiomas, apúntate a nuestros cursos intensivos C1 EOI. Tenemos tanto clases presenciales como on-line de preparación de ésta prueba específica. De momento te dejamos éste modelo completo de examen C1 de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas.
EOI Speaking 1
Part 1
When the burning of the Amazon was at its peak in August 2019, there were thousands of individual fires, almost three times as many that month – 30,901 – compared with the same period last year. What caused this? Forest fires do happen in the Amazon during the dry season between July and October. They can be caused by naturally occurring events, like lightning strikes, but this year most are thought to have been started by farmers and loggers clearing land for crops or grazing.
For four to five minutes talk about the involvement of the government in such events as well as how important it is for citizens to be aware of what is happening and what kind of measures can ordinary people take to help.
You have up to 10 minutes to prepare your talk. You can take notes or make a brief plan of what you are going to say. Talk to the examiners for about 4 – 5 minutes. You can use your notes during your talk, but you cannot read them aloud.
Part 2
Globalization through technological advances has made the world smaller and more interconnected. It has led to a new world, in which the internet is used for both good and bad. The fact that the internet and social media are so easily accessible provides opportunities for people to send threats, extort, and bully others online while remaining anonymous themselves.
For four to five minutes talk about the advantages and disadvantages of globalization through technological advances, the new concerns this accessibility have brought along, such as cyberbullying, false identities and so on.
You have up to 10 minutes to prepare your talk. You can take notes or make a brief plan of what you are going to say. Talk to the examiners for about 4 – 5 minutes. You can use your notes during your talk, but you cannot read them aloud.
EOI C1 Examen: Writing 1
Choose one of the following options (A or B) and write about 230-250 words following the corresponding instructions.
People are being exploited through our data. IT specialist are insisting that all the browsers and service providers are institutions of power that people should not trust. These big companies are harvesting our data from millions of Social Network users via a “personality” questionnaire, our “likes” in photos, posts, etc. for economic and manipulation purposes.
Write an article about our privacy as internet users describing the existing situation, and who privileges from our data and why and whether we can protect our private information referring the indicators mentioned above. Point out as well what the future of the internet might be.
| According to marketing studies based on the lists of most viewed videos on Youtube, a way of making revenue and “monetizing” is uploading videos of funny animals, doing gaming videos where somebody plays a game, commentating as they progress through the game or creating guides and tutorials. In the coming years, the majority of internet traffic will be video.
Write an opinion essay to express your views on how and where consumers access videos, in addition to the types of content they prefer to consume and the strategies that are made by gurus of the Internet to monetize with videos.
EOI C1 Examen: Mediación lingüística
You help your Irish friend to apply for a NIE so he can open a bank account and rent a flat by the time he plans to move to Spain. You need to write your friend a letter (220-250 words) with the main ideas and what he needs to do. Here you have the requirements:
Número de Identidad de Extranjero (NIE)
Los extranjeros que, por sus intereses económicos, profesionales o sociales, se relacionen con España, serán dotados, a efectos de identificación, de un número personal, único y exclusivo, de carácter secuencial.
El número personal será el identificador del extranjero, que deberá figurar en todos los documentos que se le expidan o tramiten, así como las diligencias que se estampen en su tarjeta de identidad o pasaporte.
Para la asignación de NIE por razón de intereses económicos, profesionales o sociales, se admitirán las siguientes solicitudes:
- Las presentadas en España personalmente por el interesado,
- Las presentadas en España a través de representante,
- Las que se presenten en las Representaciones Diplomáticas u Oficinas Consulares españolas ubicadas en el país de residencia del solicitante, correspondientes a su demarcación de residencia.
Para la asignación del citado número deberán aportar los siguientes documentos:
- Impreso-solicitud normalizado (EX-15), debidamente cumplimentado y firmado por el extranjero.
- Original y copia del pasaporte completo, o documento de identidad, o título de viaje o cédula de inscripción en vigor.
- Comunicación de las causas económicas, profesionales o sociales que justifican la solicitud.
- Cuando sea solicitado a través de un representante, éste acreditará contar con poder suficiente en el que conste de forma expresa que se le faculta para presentar tal solicitud.
Nota sobre validez de los documentos públicos extranjeros: Para comprobar los requisitos necesarios relativos a la legalización y traducción de documentos públicos extranjeros puede consultar la hoja informativa de la Secretaría General de Inmigración y Emigración.
(Extract from Ministerio de Interior)
EOI C1 Examen: Reading
TASK ONE (6 X 1 mark = 7 marks)
Read the following text. For questions 1-6, choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). When you finish, transfer your answers to the ANSWER BOX. 0 is the example. Question 0 is an example.
How salmon can transform a landscape
Protecting salmon in coastal Canada could have benefits that extend beyond the water they swim in and can have profound impacts on the surrounding landscape.
Skeins of wispy clouds obscure the tops of distant forested mountains, reflected in the waters. On this midsummer morning at least, the Pacific is living up to its name on this stretch of Canada’s west coast. Four researchers tread down a wooden strutted ramp to board a boat named the Keta. Scientist Allison Dennert starts the boat, steering away from the dock into the broad channel, glancing at the map on the video console. The team is investigating how the bounty of the sea enriches the land.
Pacific salmon are travellers. Hatched in freshwater rivers where they grow into smolts, they then make dangerous journeys to the sea. Those that arrive safely feast on sea riches for several years, each species with a slightly different lifestyle. Once mature, they return to their natal rivers in late summer and autumn, fighting their way up streams to spawning grounds. In rivers, nutrients typically flow downstream but salmon on a breeding mission are counterflow, carrying important nutrients in reverse to the upper reaches of river systems.
There are still many questions about how homeward bound salmon enrich the nutrient-impoverished habitat along stream banks. To answer some of them, this team is travelling up a stream that salmon seldom swim.
Emerging from rainforest trail to a shallow rocky stream, the team navigate slippery rocks, cans of bear spray belted to hips. The slow slosh of waders is meditative as the stream banks widen into a lush grassy meadow.
This is where Dennert is testing how fish feed flowers. Here on this verdant bank are the experimental plots, each containing a grid of four one metre-square patches of grass. Last autumn when spawning salmon arrived in the area, though not on this smaller stream, each set of four squares got a different treatment.
Will plants fertilised by salmon produce more or bigger flowers? Will their nutrients affect what grows and which pollinators visit? And can coastal forests rely on a stored nutrient bank during lean years when few salmon return? This is what the team hope to answer.
We’ve known for over 20 years that nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus from salmon make their way into coastal forests. “That’s not particularly surprising given that nearly 500 million fish return to the Pacific coast every year,” says Dennert,
Several billion kilograms of decaying flesh is bound to find its way from the rivers, onto the land and into the cells of the creatures living there. Perhaps most iconically, it passes through the bellies and out as the poop of predators like grizzly and black bears. Natural tracers show a salmon signature in all manner of organisms from bugs and bears to trees. But what does this nutrient bonus mean?
Dennert’s experiment – looking at how meadow plants grow with and without a nutrient bonus – will provide clues about how ecosystems would look without salmon, “which is becoming a very real possibility,” she says. “Last fall, I walked a stream that had 5,000 pink salmon return to it in 2017. In 2018, we counted only 26.”
Salmon populations are facing pressure from multiple stressors including climate change, pollution, fisheries, habitat degradation and habitat loss across the Pacific coast.
The status of about 70% of the salmon populations here is unknown. But many streams here are healthy, making it an excellent natural laboratory.
Dennert’s work builds on a slowly accumulating understanding of how salmon feed the land. Twenty years of a lop-sided tossing testing created an opportunity to test nutrient enrichment. Comparing growth and nitrogen content in spruce trees on the stream’s north and south sides, they found a signal indicating that salmon indeed fed and sped up tree growth.
Dennert’s doctoral supervisor John Reynolds, an aquatic ecologist at Simon Fraser University, also previously examined how plants respond to salmon streams. Hugging over 6,000 trees to measure their diameters, they found a strong correlation between streams with more salmon and nutrient-loving plants and trees.
Other work has shown that flowers can coordinate their blooms with the arrival of salmon, helpful for their pollinators.
Because much of the previous work was correlational, the Reynolds lab began experimenting. It involved hauling heavy dead chum salmon “in dripping green garbage bags” through prime grizzly habitat so they could see what would happen to the vegetation at the site if the fish were left there. On 11 streams, their experiment showed that plants draw nitrogen from salmon in spring, many months after carcasses are deposited.
Dennert is still collecting data, plant by plant, bug by bug, flower by flower, and much of her analysis is yet to come. Preliminary results suggest that some plants fed by salmon may attract more pollinators, helping diversity to flourish. And there are hints that if salmon disappear from some of these streams – perhaps never to return – the diverse communities that depend on them will be poorer.
(Adapted from www.bbc.com, 29th November 2019, 845 words)
0. Pacific salmons enrich:
- Mostly flowers and trees
- Other fish
- Flora and fauna
- The pollinators
1. A smolt is a:
- River bank
- Young salmon
- Salted water
- Weeded rivers
2. While carrying out the testing, the Pacific Ocean was:
- Calm
- Agitated
- Rowdy
- Cloudy
3. The nutrient bonus comes from the…..
- excrements of the fish
- food in the fish bellies
- food the fish eat
- dead fish
4. The aim of studying the nutrient bonus is to:
- Determine the pollinators that visit the flora near the river banks
- Foresee the impact of the landscape without it
- Discover how much of it passes through predators’ belly
- See what signature they release to all kind of organisms
5. Salmon:
- run function as enormous pumps that push vast amounts of marine nutrients from the ocean to the headwaters of otherwise low productivity rivers.
- provide nutrients for juvenile salmon and protect the gravels that adults use for spawning.
- provide clean drinking water in the river streams they swim and this slows down the climate change.
- Are a healthy and reliable source of protein for the predators such as the grizzlies and the black bears.
6. Trees near the rivers:
- would blossom more because they would draw more nitrogen
- had more pollinators
- would grow faster
- had more carcasses of dead salmon and therefore more nutrients
TASK TWO (7 X 1 mark = 7 marks)
Read the following text and insert the missing paragraphs into the most appropriate gap in the text. Each paragraph can only be used ONCE. There is 1 extra paragraph you will not need to use. Paragraph 0 is an example.
Climate change is driving the wealth gap in more ways than we think
Temperatures may be rising globally, but not all of us feel the impact in the same way.
0 | A |
The gap between the world’s poorest and richest countries is about 25% larger today than it would have been without global warming, according to Stanford University researchers in California.
1 |
India – which the IMF says will become the world’s fifth largest economy this year – had a GDP per capita 31% lower in 2010 because of global warming, says the study. The figure for Brazil – the world’s ninth largest economy – is 25%.
2 |
Professor Marshall Burke, from the Department of Earth System Science at Stanford University, spent several years analysing the relationship between temperature and economic fluctuations in 165 countries between 1961 and 2010. The study used more than 20 climate models to determine how much each country has warmed due to climate change attributable to humans.
3 |
«The historical data clearly show that crops are more productive, people are healthier and we are more productive at work when temperatures are neither too hot nor too cold,» he said.
4 |
There is evidence that labour productivity declines at high temperatures, that cognitive performance declines at high temperatures, interpersonal conflict increases at high temperatures. «There are a number of pathways by which the building blocks of aggregate economic activity are influenced by temperature,» says lead researcher Noah Diffenbaugh.
«For example, agriculture. Cold countries have a very limited growing season because of the winter. On the other hand we have substantial evidence that crop yields declined sharply at high temperatures,» Diffenbaugh says.
5 |
«This means that the poorest and most vulnerable are on the frontlines of climate change, and developing countries have to deal with the increasingly extreme climate impacts at the expense of their own development.» In March, more than 900 people died across Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe as a consequence of Cyclone Idai. But even South Africa, which benefits from a more sophisticated infrastructure, has struggled in the face of extreme weather events like the Day Zero water crisis in 2018 and the recent floods in Kwa-Zulu Natal.
«African countries have contributed very little to creating climate change, and are nonetheless facing deep impacts that they are ill-equipped to deal with.» Khambule says.
6 |
By contrast, 14 of the 19 countries whose cumulative emissions exceed 300 tons of CO2 per capita (272 tonnes) have benefitted from global warming, with a median contribution to GDP per capita of 13%.
Solomon Hsiang, Public Policy professor at UC Berkeley, who has collaborated with the two researchers in the past, says that although the impact of global warming on poorer, hotter countries is «most definitely correct», its negative impacts are also felt in richer countries.
7 |
«Policy makers need to take climate change much more seriously than they currently do, and ensure that there is an urgent transition away from fossil fuels and towards renewable energy.»
(Adapted from) © BBC World Service, 2019
A Over the past half century, climate change has increased inequality between countries, dragging down growth in the poorest nations whilst likely boosting prosperity in some of the richest, a new study says. B It has been demonstrated that growth accelerated in cool countries in years which were warmer than average, while in hot nations it slowed down. C The findings of this study are consistent with what has been known for years, that climate change acts as a threat multiplier, and takes existing vulnerabilities and makes them worse, according to Happy Khambule, senior political advisor at Greenpeace Africa. D«In the long term, climate change benefits no-one,» he says. «If it continues unabated, we will face runaway climate change. It is critical that the world’s largest emitters act to reduce their emissions urgently.» E He argues that cold countries have reaped «warming benefits» from rising mercury, while hot countries have been given a «warming penalty» by being pushed further away from their optimum temperature. F On the other hand, according to the study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences journal, global warming has likely contributed to the GDP per capita of several rich nations, including some of the world’s biggest emitters of greenhouse gases. G “Not only have poor countries not shared in the full benefits of energy consumption, but many have already been made poorer (in relative terms) by the energy consumption of wealthy countries,» the study says. H African countries in tropical latitudes have been the hardest hit, with the GDP per capita of Mauritania and Niger more than 40% lower than they would have been without the rising temperatures. I According to the study, between 1961 and 2010 all of the 18 countries whose total historical emissions are less than 10 tons of CO2 per capita (nine tonnes) have suffered a negative impact from global warming – with a median reduction of 27% in their GDP per capita compared to the scenario without rising temperatures. |
TASK THREE (5 X 1 mark = 5 marks)
Read the following text and choose the correct word for each space from the set of words given. First sentence is an example.
Attitudes towards the teaching profession have (1)…………………….considerably and it’s sad that the number of students considering a career in teaching has (2) ……………………..off a lot. Consequently, the teacher training faculty has (3) ………………………… by 25%. However, in other departments, the options have (4) ………………………… greatly, though competition with other colleges has, it must be admitted, (5) ……………………………… . Meanwhile, departments have expanded into new areas such as media studies, and computer studies in particular has (6) ……………… beyond all expectations.
1. A turned | B affected | C modified | D changed |
2. A depressed | B dropped | C sunk | D declined |
3. A shrunk | B curtailed | C reduced | D cut |
4. A stretched | B protracted | C widened | D lengthened |
5. A boosted | B enhanced | C fuelled | D intensified |
6. A encouraged | B grown | C raised | D promoted |
EOI Listening
TASK ONE (8 x 1 mark = 8 marks)
You will hear part of a programme. Read through the sentences before listening. According to what you hear, write the option (a, b or c) which best completes them in the corresponding white box. You can listen to it TWICE. Now read the sentences. Question 0 is an example.
The Power of Gamification
(Adapted from TedTalks, The power of gamification bu Scott Hebert)
- According to Minouche Shafik by 2030:
- eighteen hundred million jobs will have been replaced by automatic systems
- eight hundred million jobs will have been replaced by automation
- eighteen hundred million jobs will have been replaced by automization
- Scott Hebert states that schools are:
- preventing students from fully developing their skills
- allowing students to have their take on the subjects
- bettering the learning process with repetitive processes
- Parents tend to believe games are:
- antithetical to learning
- constructive to learning
- extraneous to learning
- According to Scott, prohibiting phones completely is :
- unavoidable
- unrealistic
- deplorable
In Scott Hebert’ class, children are encouraged:
- to use rote memorization
- to do practical exercises
- by theories
- Grades are:
- utterly substantial to kids lives
- secondary to kids’ achievement
- reassuring to kids development
- To Scott’s mind it is important that kids:
- feel supported by their teachers
- learn to fight their own battles
- are completely independent
- The speaker constantly mentions the importance of:
- creativity to the learning process
- memorization to the learning process
- confidence to the learning process
- Scott discourages teachers to:
- revolutionize their methods
- work on creative and innovative tasks
- fight to convince others of the importance of new methods
TASK TWO (8 x 1 mark = 8 marks)
You will hear part of a programme. Read through the notes below and complete them by filling in the gaps according to what you hear (1 to 4 words). Now read the notes. You can hear the audio TWICE. Sentence 0 is an example.
Television Producer
0. Nicky got her (0)____BIG BREAK________ working on David Attenborough’s series called Life In Cold Blood.
- She worked there for over two years as a (1)____________ .
- She then worked on Deadly Sixty, dealing with animals which are essentially (2)____________ .
- Her work covers a range of tasks, and she decides whether they need any clever cameras or cool (3) ____________ or technology.
- Once all the elements are ready, she is required to choose some (4) ____________ music.
- One of the last steps is to check any (5) ____________ and to get it all cleared and packaged into a programme.
- Nicky can tell if someone is interested in joining, because they ask the right questions and are (6) ____________ .
- The film festival has a team of about fifty (7) ____________ .
(ORIGIN: https://www.esleschool.com/working-for-the-bbc/)
TASK THREE (8 x 1 mark = 8 marks)
You will hear FIVE short extracts in which Susan George, a political economist, is talking about how several international organisations work. Match headings B‐I with extracts 1‐5 according to what you hear. Write the correct number in the box provided. There can be ONE or MORE HEADINGS per extract. Statement A is given as an example. You will hear the recording three times.
World Trade Organisation
(A) World’s economy controlled by a few international organisations. Extract 1.
(B) A mediation device when economic conflicts arise .
(C) Current economic and trade regulations not promoting social equality
(D) Difficulty of poorer countries to fight against richer ones
(E) Minor influence of international organisations on powerful countries
(F) No international bodies with such an influence on other fields
(G) Non-wealthy countries having restricted access to technology
(H) Richer countries having the power not to fulfil resolutions
(I) Shrinking the public sector
Consulta los cursos EOI C1 con el Salón de Idiomas.
Posted at 06:57h, 23 abrilWhere are the answers of the listening tests???
Posted at 19:26h, 31 mayo¿Sería posible obtener las respuestas, por favor? Gracias.