06 Nov 2023 Intensifiers: lista de adverbios intensificadores en inglés (ejemplos)
Adverbios intensificadores en inglés que necesitas saber
Los adverbios son esenciales en el inglés ya que te permiten dar distintos matices a las oraciones. Por lo tanto, mejorará tu capacidad de expresión oral y escrita. En este artículo te traemos los adverbios intensificadores en inglés, muy útiles en el día a día.
¿Qué son los intensificadores en inglés?
Los intensificadores son adverbios cuya finalidad es enfatizar y darle intensidad a una palabra sobre la que se construye. Los adverbios intensificadores en inglés son necesarios para ampliar el significado de un verbo, adverbio o adjetivos y otras veces para quitar importancia a la palabra.
En Salón de Idiomas hacemos mucho énfasis en la necesidad de usar adverbios en -ly, o, lo que vienen a ser, adverbios intensificadores, para poder demostrar fluidez y coherencia en nuestra producción oral. La coherencia es, recordemos, uno de los criterios de evaluación más exigentes de cualquier examen oficial.
A continuación, te dejamos una lista de adverbios intensificadores en inglés clasificados por categorías.
Intensifiers en inglés: ejemplos
1. Adverbios enfáticos en inglés (emphasizers)
- Apparently: The Korean ship was apparently undamaged.
- Awfully ¡Be careful! Awful means very bad, but awfully usually describes something great, like The cake was awfully delicious!
- Basically: Basically the system ought to have worked.
- Categorically: Indeed, he had categorically denied that there was any danger.
- Certainly: There certainly wasn’t any malice in her comments.
- Definitely: I definitely remember sending the letter.
- Deeply: The opinion is deeply divided on this issue.
- Enthusiastically: We all clapped his performance enthusiastically.
- Essentially: A society is essentially an organism.
- Generally: It is now generally accepted that …
- Honestly: I honestly don’t know.
- Incredibly: I felt incredibly ashamed of myself for getting so angry.
- Literally: She was literally blue with cold.
WOW. En nuestra última entrada sobre adverbios en inglés os dejamos un listado de adverbios de nivel todavía más avanzado.
- Phenomenally: This product has been phenomenally successful.
- Possibly: How can I possibly do it?
- Positively: She was positively beaming with pleasure.
- Probably: Most scientists would probably lean toward this viewpoint.
- Not likely: Also, eating is not likely to be viewed as a cardinal sin.
- Readily: The plants readily respond to these stimuli.
- Seriously: Many rivers and lakes are seriously polluted.
- Strongly: He remained strongly optimistic that an agreement could be reached.
- Sincerely: We are sincerely grateful for your help.
- Super: Sorry, I’m super tired, I have to turn in.
- Undecidedly: Tom was staggering around undecidedly among the bushes, when he noticed a man on a horse behind himself.
- Unlikely: They are unlikely to have changed their thinking so soon.
- Terribly: My son’s terribly untidy; my daughter’s no different.
- Too: Too much experience is a dangerous thing.
- Truly: Only a truly free person has human dignity.
- Virtually (prácticamente): This new material is virtually unbreakable.
¿Conoces las figuras retóricas en inglés o el vocabulario c1 c2? En un nivel avanzado, deberías aprender a usarlos.
2. Adverbios amplificadores en inglés (amplifiers) :
- Absolutely: Affection is desirable. Money is absolutely indispensable!
- Amazingly: People are just amazingly ignorant about the Middle East.
- At all: No one is wise at all times.
- Completely: It is impossible to be completely objective.
- Entirely: The police are not always entirely blameless in these matters.
- Exactly: It’s exactly the way I thought it would be.
- Exceptionally: She defended her position exceptionally well
- Extraordinarily: He wore an extraordinarily solemn expression.
- Extremely: Penicillin was an extremely significant medical discovery.
- Fully: It is difficult tofullyassess the damage.
- Indisputably: This novel is indisputably his finest work.
- Outrageously: He behaved outrageously when he was young.
- Particularly: I am not myself a particularly punctual person.
- Unusually: She got an unusually low score for creativity.
- Utterly: Her logic is utterly incontrovertible.
- Really: You look really stunning in that dress!
- Remarkably: The life of Marx is remarkably well documented.
- Totally: I am reluctant to trust anyone totally, Your Excellency.
- Tremendously: University funding was tremendously biased towards scientists.
3. Adverbios de exageración en inglés (Exaggeration adverbs).
- indescribably: Guatemala is indescribably beautiful.
- incredibly: My sister’s son is incredibly talented.
- incomparably: This kind of wine is incomparably superior.
- inexpressibly: Some artists are inexpressibly sad.
- unspeakably: Not all, but some clients are unspeakably rude.
- unutterably: The yard is unutterably filthy.
Para demostrar fluidez en un nivel avanzado en inglés, intenta usar también metáforas en inglés o figuras estilísticas.
4. Downtoners o adverbios que minimizan la intensidad de un verbo, adverbio o adjetivo:
- A bit: My mother’s a bit of an eccentric.
- A little: A little neglect may breed great mischief.
- Barely: He could barely read and write.
- Bitterly: (goes with specific words, only, including cold, unhappy, disappointed, sad, )
- Dangerously: Appearances can be deceptive? Dangerously deceptive.
- Hardly: I can hardly imagine such a scene.
- Perhaps: Perhaps the letter will come today.
- Probably: Their plan will probably meet with little success.
- Pretty: The weasel is a very pretty little creature.
- Kind of: I’m not the kind of person who would do that.
- Somewhat: You may find it somewhat overwhelming at first.
- Sort of: That’s not the sort of behaviour I expect of you!
- Slightly: The medicine had a slightly bitter taste.
- Merely: We humans are merely the instruments of fate.
- Nearly: The investigation continued for nearly three years.
5. Premodifiers
- Very: Very few students learn Latin now.
- Relatively: She was still a relatively inexperienced pilot.
- To some extent: Most students suffer from exam nerves to some extent.
- Rather: His political ideas are rather extreme.
*Keep in mind que muchos adverbios intensificadores y de grado en inglés básicamente significan lo mismos, estos son: remarkably, incredibly, amazingly, unusually, extremely, very , so, really.
Recuerda que estaría genial utilizar adverbios intensificadores en el Speaking de cualquier examen oficial como Aptis, LanguageCert, Trinity o EOI, ya sea para dar vuestra opinión o compartir vuestros pensamientos acerca de cualquier tema propuesto.
Ejercicios de intensificadores en inglés
Con estos ejercicios podrás practicar los adverbios intensificadores en inglés y quedarte con alguno:
- She can’t believe he __________ said as much. surely, frankly, probably
- Mr. Anderson __________ suspected nothing. hardly, honestly, by far
- She is __________ devastated by the loss. utterly, grately, of course
- It was _________ easy to find the answers to all the questions. quite, totally, often
- Mark can run ____ better than I do. He is a professional runner. far, very, too
- The CEO spoke ____ to me. kindly, generously, softly
- «Sue rarely goes there means» She does not ____ go there. hardly, frequently, ocassionaly
- ____ Bob is a good runner yet I have never watched him run a race. Luckily, Fortunately, Apparently
- I can ____ remember his name, it’s been years since I spoke to him last. simply, badly, hardly
- I ______ asked him to stop. basically, often, always
1. frankly; 2. honestly; 3. utterly; 4. totally; 5. very; 6. kindly; 7. frequently; 8. Apparently, 9. hardly, 10. basically
That’s all for today! Esperemos que hoy hayas aprendido bastantes expresiones de grado en inglés. Te animamos igualmente que de ahora en adelante intentes utilizar adverbios intensificadores en inglés (también llamados intensifiers en inglés), principalmente en tus Speaking y Writing porque seguro que vas a impresionar a tu interlocutor o, a tu examinador, si hablamos de exámenes oficiales.
Hasta la vista baby!
Somos preparadores de exámenes oficiales de inglés
¡Sácate el tuyo! Contacta con nosotros y te asesoraremos encantados.
Seguro que también te interesa:
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- 20 Preguntas entrevista de trabajo en inglés (+ respuestas)
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Nery Arrieta
Posted at 22:08h, 20 octubreSe muy poco de inglés, me gustaría aprender
Lorena del Valle
Posted at 22:48h, 13 marzoHe visto pretty – rather – – slightly- fairly como ambos; intensifiers and mitigators. Qué son en realidad?