01 Dic 2022 Domina el uso de las preposiciones en inglés: in, on y at
Preposiciones en inglés In On At
Good day ladies and gentlemen!
Estamos de vuelta con otra entrada en nuestro blog del Salón de Idiomas y esta vez tocan las preposiciones en inglés IN ON AT. A primera vista parecen fáciles de usar, pero muchas veces mucha gente se confunde con ellas. Ante esto, aquí os traemos el cuadro mágico.
ATHoras – At 2pm—A las dos (de la tarde) Horas de las comidas – At lunchtime Dias festivos At Christmas Fin de semana – At the weeekend— *On the weekend (USA) | INEn espacios cerrados: In an office In a hospital En lugares abiertos con límites definidos: In a street In the garden Con ciudades, países y barrios In Rome – In Italy – In Trevi |
ONDias On Tuesday Un DÍA ESPECIFICO On August 1st / On Christmas Day DÍA + PARTE DEL DÍA On Monday morning/afternoon/evening | ONPISOS de un edificio On the 3rd floor PARTES de una habitación: On the walls / On the ceiling / On the floor Calles y Avenidas On Michigan street – On 5th Avenue CIERTOS transportes: On a boat – En un barco / On the train – En el tren Atención! In a car / In a taxi |
INMeses In October Años In 1990 Estaciones In (the) spring Siglos In the 21st century—En el siglo XXI
Con algunas partes del día: IN the morning – afternoon – evening
Atention! Otras partes del día AT noon/AT middday – AT night – AT midnight – AT dawn – Al amanecer
| ATCiertos lugares: At home At school At university Dirección At 432 Melbourne Street
Atention! In (dentro) in a museum At (dentro o fuera) at a museum Lugares determinados At the door / At the traffic light |
NO HAY PREPOSICIONES PARA:Tomorrow Yesterday Every (Tuesday)
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Ejercicios para practicar las preposiciones en inglés IN, ON, AT:
1. My Math class starts ____ 8 o’clock ___ the morning.
2. He waits for me _____ the bus stop
3. Richard never works ___ the weekend.
4. Kate’s birthday is ____15th August.
5. She put the books ____ the table, the keys __ the drawer and sat __ her desk to read the post.
6. Don’t stand the door! Come in and sit ____ the chair the corner.
7. It hardly ever rains ____ the Sahara dessert _____ the winter.
8. When I’m____ holidays, I love walking __ the mountains. The air is always fresh __ the top of the montains.
9. The French exam is ____ Friday _____ the afternoon.
10. The «Vang Gogh » film finishes _______ midnight.
11. All students are ______ holiday Christmas and Easter.
12. Anthony was born ___ 2000.
13. People often watch TV ____ night that’s why they are tired ___ the morning.
14. Mr. Smith often goes for a walk ____ Saturdays.
15. She lives ______ the third floor _ an old building the end of this street.
16. My parents always meet me ____ the airport.
17. My uncle lives ___ the countryside, a small village ____ the middle of the fields.
18. I like reading when I’m ____ the train.
19. When we arrived ___ New York, we got ___ the tube and went to the hotel.
Respuestas: 1 (at/in), 2 (at), 3 (at or on), 4 (on), 5 (on/in/at), 6 (on), 7 (in/in), 8 (on/on/on), 9 (on/in), 10 (at), 11 (on), 12 (in), 13 (at/in), 14 (on), 15 (on/in), 16 (at), 17 (in/in), 18 (on), 19 (in/on)
Esto es todo esta vez, esperamos que os sirvan de ayuda y aclaren vuestras dudas sobre las preposiciones.
Good day folk!
Equipo Salón de Idiomas
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