05 Jul 2023 Phrasal verbs y verbos seguidos de gerundio en inglés (+lista)
Phrasal verbs y verbos seguidos de GERUNDIO en inglés
Volvemos de nuevo con algo que tenéis que conocer sí o sí para no caer en los errores más comunes del inglés intermedio o avanzado sobre todo si os presentáis a exámenes oficiales como First o Aptis General: phrasal verbs y verbos seguidos de GERUNDIO en inglés.
Phrasal verbs y verbos seguidos de GERUNDIO en inglés: ¿Qué es el gerundio?
El gerundio puede ser un sustantivo al que le se añade la forma de -ing o un verbo. Por ejemplo el gerundio del verbo «read» es «reading». No olvidéis que el gerundio puede funcionar como un sujeto de la oración (Reading is a part and parcel of learning), complemento de una oración y el complemento directo de una frase (I believe reading is imperative to learn a language).
- Reading helps you improve your vocabulary. («Reading» es el sujeto)
- Her favourite hobby is reading. («reading» es el atributo)
- I enjoy reading. (objeto)
Asimismo el gerundio se forma cuando se le añade ‘not’ delante «The best thing for your health is not drinking.» y también hay ciertos verbos que van seguidos de la forma de -ing. Estos son los verbos seguidos de GERUNDIO en inglés:
- admit: She admitted stealing the money from her employers.
- advise*: I’d advise buying your tickets well in advance if you want to travel in August.
- allow:* We do not allow smoking in the hall.
- anticipate: I anticipate deriving much instruction from the lecture.
- appreciate: I appreciate receiving your thoughts on what you would like to be included.
- avoid: The workers wear masks to avoid inhaling the dust.
- begin*: It’s good if you begin crying, that’s the sign of cure.
- can’t bear*: I can’t bear being cold.
- can’t help: I can’t help grinning at the funny things the child says.
- can’t see: I can’t see paying so much money for a car.
- can’t stand*: I can’t stand watching the junk that’s on TV these days.
- cease*: Then they can cease feeling guilty and start feeling empowered.
- complete: He completed renovating the house.
- consider: You wouldn’t consider marrying a man for his money, then?
- continue: Continue cooking until the meat is tender.
- defend: The lawyer defended her making such statements.
- delay: She hotly denied having taken the money.
- deny: They deny conspiring together to smuggle drugs.
- despise: She despises waking up early.
- discuss: We discussed working at the company.
- dislike: I dislike being away from my family.
- don’t mind: I don’t mind roughing it for a while.
- dread*: I dread being sick.
- encourage*: He encourages eating healthy foods.
- enjoy: I always enjoy my evening meal alone.
- finish: He couldn’t finish reading it anywise.
- forget*: I forgot giving you my book.
- hate: I hate having to make snap judgement
- imagine: Imagine doing a horrible job like that!
- involve: Building the tunnel would involve cutting a great swathe through the forest.
- keep: Sheep kept getting tangled up in it and eventually the wire was removed.
- like*: Some of us like singing and dancing.
- love*: I love swimming.
- mention: He mentioned going to that college.
- mind: He who would catch fish mush not mind getting wet
- miss: She misses living near the beach.
- need: The best horse needs breaking, and the aptest child needs teaching.
- neglect: Don’t neglect paying him a visit now and then.
- permit: Do they permit taking pictures here?
- postpone: They’ve decided to postpone having a family for a while.
- practice: She practiced singing the song.
- prefer*: Generally, I prefer painting with watercolours.
- propose*: I proposed having lunch at the beach.
- quit*: You really ought to quit smoking.
- recall: Tom recalled using his credit card at the store.
- recollect: Tom recalled using his credit card at the store.
- recommend: We strongly recommend insuring against sickness or injury.
- regret*: I regret doing that.
- remember*: I remember meeting you one evening at the Capital Theatre
- report: She has reported her daughter missing.
- require*: You may require bridging finance until the sale of your own property is completed.
- resent: I resent paying extra for my drink just because it’s in a posey bottle!
- resist: I knew she wouldn’t be able to resist pairing me off with someone.
- risk: You are taking a big risk driving so fast.
- start*: Start crossing when the green WALK sign starts to flash.
- stop*: Never stop smiling, not e ven when you’re sad,someone might fall in love with your smile.
- suggest: Surely nobody would suggest turning him out of the house.
- tolerate: I tolerated her talking.
- try*: Try excluding sugar and fat from your diet.
- understand: I understand his quitting.
- urge*: They urge recycling bottles and paper.
¿Qué tal? ¿el listado de verbos seguidos de GERUNDIO en inglés se te ha quedado corto? Bueno, aún hay más y el artículo phrasal verbs y verbos seguidos de GERUNDIO en inglés continua:
- adapt to: Some animals have a remarkable ability to adapt to changing environments.
- adjust to: I can’t adjust to living on my own.
- admit to: George would never admit to being wrong.
- agree (with) on: The committee has until Friday to agree on funding.
- apologize for: I apologize for losing my temper.
- argue about/against: You can’t argue about having an extra pair of hands. / Three considerations argue against increasing fee.
- ask about: Mary was in the bank to ask about opening a current account.
- afraid of: Just for once I want someone to afraid of losing me.
¿Te has dado cuenta que después de toda preposición el verbo que le se sigue está en GERUNDIO? Así que apréndete la regla: todo verbo tras preposición (cuidado con la preposición TO que puede ir seguida de infinitivo tb.) va en -ing.
- argue about: Stop arguing about working too much.
- be dedicated to: Only 10% of the total area, or approx. 1,500 square metres will be dedicated to displaying works of art.
- be devoted to: The report recommends that more resources be devoted to teaching four year olds
- be committed to: “We’re committed to improving the community.
- be used to: The experienced teacher is used to keeping his students at hard work.
- be accustomed to: English people are accustomed to driving on the left.
- believe in: Believe in living up to your dreams.
- blame for: She was partly to blame for failing to look as she crossed the road.
- care about: I don’t much care about going to the party.
- complain about: Stop complaining about not having enough.
- concentrate on: Let’s concentrate on studying for once.
- confess to: Does anyone want to confess to being the one who snores like a freight train?
- consist of: My summers consist of going to the pool or to my grandparents.
- decide on: My cousin decided on going abroad next summer.
- depend on: Actual range depends on driving habits, weather conditions, terrain and the operation of electrical features in the vehicle.
- disapprove of: Animal conservationists disapprove of experimenting on animals.
- discourage from: Teenagers should be discouraged from going into internet chat rooms.
- engage in: Lecturers engage in teaching and research.
- forgive for: I think Jessica will never forgive for lying.
- get used to: You’d better get used to doing as you’re told.
- get round to: I’m very busy at the moment but I hope to get round to answering your letter next week.
- give up: In other words, she must give up singing.
- help with: The nation’s displaced workers are not receiving enough help with job-seeking
- inquire about: I am writing to inquire about subscribing to your magazine.
- insist on: People rightly insist on being treated as individuals.
- keep on: No one is born a genius. Just keep on doing what you like and that itself is a talent.
- look forward to: I now look forward to going back to work as soon as possible.
- object to: Working people everywhere object to paying taxes.
- oppose to: “I’m opposed to changing the laws.
- insist on: Any police officer can insist on seeing a driver’s license.
- participate in: To Governments Democracy is the right of people to participate in running and determining their own destiny.
- persist in: Thankfully she did not persist in pursuing her mad idea.
- plan on: If they do come, I plan on keeping as far away as possible.
- profit from: Who makes a profit from cramming more climbers on to our cliffs
- prohibit from: Can teachers be prohibited from encouraging or participating in demonstrations?
- put off: I put off going to the doctor but I wish I hadn’t.
- succeed in: Very few people succeed in losing weight and keeping it off.
- suffer from: You’ll suffer from smoking too much.
- talk about: We talked about going to Italy for our summer vacations.
- take part in: Many people took part in bringing the lost child home.
- there’s no point in: There’s no point in crying for the moon.
- think about: Don’t even think about calling him.
- warn about: They warned us about speeding on this road.
- work on: We work on improving visual acuity.
- worry about: Do not worry about winning or losing; think of what you will gain.
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