13 Abr 2020 Articulo Aptis Advanced
Articulo Aptis Advanced
Hi! La entrada de blog de hoy, aunque se llame Articulo Aptis Advanced, recopila un modelo ficticio completo de writing Aptis Advanced con su chat, carta formal y artículo. Haremos especial énfasis en éste último en el que os dejamos varios enlaces con información útil que os puede ayudar a redactar un artículo de Aptis de nivel C1 C2.
Por cierto, ¿ya habéis leído nuestras otras entradas donde explicamos cómo hacer el writing Aptis Advanced? Sino, os la dejamos aquí:
Os dejamos en nuestros consejos y trucos para cada parte del writing Aptis C1 para que os inspiréis y os sea más fácil. ¿Listos para el Aptis Advanced Writing sample? I hope you are!
Modelo de Artículo de Aptis Advanced
TASK 1 – CHAT Write an answer to each question within 30- 40 words. You have around 5mins (INFORMAL)
- Why did you decide to join our club? Give at least two specific reasons.
- Which kind of business would you like to start?
- Why do you think your business is important for society?
Trucos de cómo redactar un chat y qué usar en tu writing Aptis:
- use idioms: e.g. use the idiom “run the extra mile” (to do more than what people expect), for example: To give our customers the best shopping experience, we run the extra mile.
- use phrasal verbs: e.g. use the phrasal verb «cook up» (come up with), for example: We always always be cooking up ways to wow your shoppers.
- use day-to-day vocabulary: e.g. use «on and off», for example: I’ve been toying with the idea of startingup a business on and off.»
- Use intensifiers en English
TASK 2 – Write an EMAIL 130-150 words. You have around 15 mins (FORMAL)
You received an email in which a customer bitterly complains about the service he has been provided by your company. You own a luxurious and fine dining restaurant in the centre of Madrid. Your aim is to apologize to the customer for the inconveniences caused and convince him to return to your restaurant for a great experience.
- The client is not satisfied with the service received, due to the fact that he was treated in a unpolite manner by your staff.
- He was not pleased by the menu. In his own words: “the food did not live up to the high prices”.
- Propose the client a solution and try to convince him to come back to the restaurant.
Trucos y expresiones que recomendamos usar en tu carta formal Aptis:
- Linking words: e.g. use «Nevertheless»: Nevertheless, we would be more than pleased to have you back.»
- Use of English C1 C2: e.g. use the conditional with Should (should inversion): “Should you come again, we will treat you with all the honours”.
- Do not use any contractions.
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TASK 3 – Write an ARTICLE 180-220 words. You have around 20 mins (NEUTRAL)
Due to the current pandemic situation, a large part of the world population is on lockdown. Since citizens are obliged to stay at home, they have developed some new hobbies and habits. Write an article about the different trends in hobbies and habits during lockdown. Connect the figures in the table with the diverse advantages and disadvantages that might derive from the lockdown situation.
- Advantages: slowing down the spread of the virus, high probability of saving lives.
- Disadvantages: socioeconomic crisis, mental health of population could be at stake.
Part of the population | Hobbies | Percentage before lockdown | Percentage during lockdown |
Families | Cooking | 30% | 60% |
Couples | Playing videogames | 15% | 45% |
Single people | Painting or drawing | 25% | 50% |
(Modelo de articulo Aptis Advanced)
Cómo redactar un Artículo Aptis nivel Advanced
Trucos y expresiones útiles a la hora de redactar un articulo de C1 o C2:
- Write a heading/title.
- ¿Contractions? It’s up to you.
- Mention at least some figures in your article Aptis.
- Use inversions in English: e.g. *use an inversion with the negative adverb “on no account”, for example: On no account should we play down the importance of devoting our time to hobbies.
- Phrasal verbs C2 (yes, you can use them as long as they are a bit more difficult and not too casual).e.g.catchupon, for example: Families seem to catch up on cooking.
- More idioms (not every idiom works): e.g. use the idiom «silver lining», for example: The silver lining of the lockdown is having to slow down our pace of life.
- Expression for commenting on figures: e.g. «the overall picture», for example: The overall picture shows that people have considerably increased their time they devote to what so far has been considered «leisure» activities.
- Use synonyms and vary your style:
- Use expressions for PROS and CONS: e.g. On the other hand, one of the most striking feature..
- Use academic vocabulary to vary your style:
- Use intensifiers en English
- Read your article several times before you hand it in. There should be NO spelling mistakes.
¿Necesitas ayuda con tu articulo Aptis Advanced o con la preparación del writing completo? ¿Quieres prepararte el examen completo con material ceñido? Nos puedes llamar: 910 32 82 62/ 670 74 14 83 o escribir a info@salondeidiomas.es
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