23 Ago 2023 Cómo escribir un Proposal o Report para el C1 Cambridge (CAE)
Cómo escribir un Proposal o Report para el CAE
Como ya sabes, en El Salón de Idiomas basamos nuestras clases de inglés preparatorias de exámenes oficiales de Cambridge en lo que Cambridge dice. Así que, tomando como referencia una vez más el Cambridge English: Advanced Handbook for teachers a continuación veremos en qué se diferencian un Report de un Proposal, que son textos formales, de estructura muy similar, con una sutil diferencia.
¿Qué es el proposal ?
Un Proposal es un texto dirigido a un superior, como un jefe o supervisor, o un grupo de iguales, como compañeros de trabajo, etc. en el que hay que hacer una o varias sugerencias para persuadir al lector acerca del rumbo que tiene que tomar un determinado hecho o acción. Por tanto, puntos clave = persuadir y hacer sugerencias.
¿Qué es el report?
El Report, va dirigido al mismo tipo de destinatarios que el proposal, PERO se trata de describir una situación, evaluarla y sugerir una alternativa para mejorarla basándote en tu experiencia y propias ideas.
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Estructura proposal y report C1 Cambridge Advanced (CAE)
En ambos textos hay que introducir cada apartado con títulos o encabezados. Estos pueden ser las mismas preguntas que son propuestas en el ejercicio, o simplemente seguir la siguiente estructura:
- Introducción
- Situación actual
- Sugerencias
- Recomendaciones finales
Anyways, el outline que recomendamos en El Salón de Idiomas es:
- Describir la situación
- Decir cómo piensas que podría mejorarse
- Intentar convencer
Vocabulario Proposal o Report C1 Cambridge Advanced (CAE)
Aquí tienes una lista de frases por apartado:
- The aim of this proposal is to…
- This proposal is intended to highlight the current problems with…and give ideas for improving…
- As (whoever you are talking to) must be aware…
- A number of concerns with regard to…were expressed by…(some people: elderly, customers, etc). Esto lo podéis usar si recurrís a un supuesta encuesta que habéis hecho como herramienta para persuadir al lector.
- It is suggested/recommended that…
- There should be created and made available…
- It would be an advantage to…implement/have a new/give the customers the option to…
- If these recommendations are implemented, the current (indesirable) situation (with)…will definitely improve/is bound to improve
Con estos ingredientes y un toque de magia, tienes la receta perfecta para hacer un proposal/report para chuparse los dedos.
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Proposal/report CAE example
Te dejo un ejemplo de proposal cedido amablemente por una alumna tras ser chantajeada con té y pastas. ¿No hay quién se resista a unos shortcakes, eeh?
There are plans to demolish an old unused building in the town where you are a student. You feel that the building should be saved. You decide to write a proposal for the town council explaining why you think the building should be preserved, suggesting what could be done to modernise it and saying how the building could benefit the local people. (Ejercicio extraído de un modelo de examen del CAE)
The aim of this proposal is to give some ideas for an alternative use of the old building nearby the public library regarding the City Council’s demolition plan of the building.
As the Council must be aware, the building which is about to be cleared turns out to be an ancient building that provides the town with historical memory. Another aspect to be taken into account is the architectural beauty and style for the forenamed building. A number of concerns with regard to the clearance of this great building were expressed by many dwellers.
It is suggested a restoration in order to modernise the building instead of resorting to its riddance. Patterning after the current trend of keeping the original structure and decoration of furnitures, houses, objects, etc. why should not our town take advantage of such a rough diamond?
On the other hand, the simpler a work is, the cheaper. Some remodelings will cost less than a demolition and an ensuing construction. Regardless of the self-evident fact that the building has not been used for several years in a row, many uses might be given to it. For instance, it could be turned into a cultural social centre. Moreover, several activities might take place in it such as exhibitions, hand-made products markets, workshops, courses, film screening…all of them suitable for both children and adults.
If these recommendations are implemented, the current situation with the ancient building is bound to improve. In the lines below I will explain how. As far as I am concerned, a cultural social centre would be an amazing opportunity for the citizens. By and large, it would be opened to any suggestions. Local artists could exhibit their pieces or play their music. Henceforth, they could show their skills to an upmost public. Denizens might share their knowledge teaching courses, while others can learn some rather interesting things.
To sum up, a wide range of activities can be conceived and could be carried out in that building if it were restored with just a small budget.
Ahora la muestra del report facilitada por Cambridge.
¿Te animas a hacer un report or proposal? ¡En Salón de Idiomas estaremos encantados de corregirlo en clases!
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