07 Oct 2022 Fixed phrases en inglés
Las FIXED PHRASES o FIXED EXPRESSIONS son combinaciones de palabras que de forma conjunta cobran un significado distinto al de las palabras individuales que lo forman. Como su nombre bien indica “fixed”, el orden de estas partículas casi nunca cambia. Al igual que en español, su uso en inglés es muy frecuente para expresar un concepto o idea y son una parte muy importante en exámenes oficiales de inglés.
¿Alguna vez has usado “from time to time” al contra algo en inglés u “on the other hand” en tus redacciones?¿Sabías que estas son dos tipos de fixed phrases en inglés? Es curioso pero casi nunca nos paramos a pensar en porqué una expresión coloquial se forma de tal manera o cuál será el origen de su uso; directamente las soltamos y nos quedamos “más anchos que largos” o tan “panchos”. Y, sí, efectivamente, incluso ciertos conectores en inglés, o linkers, pueden entrar en la categoría de fixed frases.
Expresiones coloquiales e inglés
En realidad, en inglés (y en todas las lenguas) se usan a diario un montón de expresiones. Éstas suelen ser una mezcla de IDIOMS (o expresiones idiomáticas como las solemos conocer), PHRASAL VERBS, FIGURES OF SPEECH, BINOMIALS, COLLOCATIONS o FIXED PHRASES. Veamos listados de este tipos de expresiones coloquiales en inglés que os recomendamos que aprendáis y uséis en vuestra producción oral y escrita.
- 275 expresiones en inglés
- Idioms en inglés con comida
- 100 expresiones en inglés para el día a día
- Proverbios en inglés
- Phrasal verbs de nivel avanzado
- Phrasal verbs C1 en inglés
- Figures of Speech (figuras retóricas en inglés)
- Binomios en inglés
- Collocations in English
Pues bien, es muy aconsejable que poco a poco vayais haciéndoos con unas cuántas expresiones o fixed frases en inglés. No es obligatorio, sin embargo harán que tu léxico sea mucho más rico y muestres la fluidez digna de un nativo y que se requiere en un examen oficial.
Lista de fixed phrases en inglés en orden alfabético
Dejamos un listado fixed phrases en inglés con su explicación y un ejemplo ilustrativo para su mayor compresión:
Fixed phrases con la letra A
- A matter of time – a question of time ⇒ It is only a matter of time before you find a girlfriend.
- All of a sudden – in an unexpected way ⇒ All of a sudden the roof started falling.
- All thumbs — clumsy ⇒ He can’t fix anything, he’s all thumbs.
- As a matter of fact – in fact ⇒ I’m not ignoring you; as a matter of fact, I’m inviting you for dinner tonight.
- As far as I am concerned — in my opinion ⇒ As far as I am concerned, there are many ways to solve this quandary.
- As long as – provided that ⇒ As long as he arrives on time, I don’t mind what he does.
- As soon as – at the moment of ⇒ As soon as you arrive, give me a call.
- As well as – in addition to ⇒ As well as his lack of punctuality, he also reeks of alcohol.
Expresiones cotidianas en inglés con la letra B
- Be on good terms with – get on well with ⇒ Although they are divorced, they are still on good terms.
- Be out of sorts — in bad humour ⇒ Leave him alone, he’s out of sorts today
- Bear in mind – take into consideration ⇒ We ought to bear in mind the deadline when making our plan of action
- Be reluctant (+ infinitive) – not want ⇒ I am reluctant to take up a new hobby.
- Be willing (+ infinitive) – want to ⇒ I am willing to try again if you give me the chance.
- By no means – not at all ⇒ By no means is he the strongest candidate.
- By the time – when ⇒ By the time the bus left, I was already fast asleep.
Fixed phrases con la letra C
- Call it a day — consider work finished for the day ⇒ We’ve been working for 9 straight hours. Let’s call it a day!
- Come to one’s senses — start acting reasonably, intelligently ⇒ He finally came to his senses, started to work hard, and overcame his gambling addiction.
- Change your mind – adapt your viewpoint ⇒ I was going to go out but I have changed my mind now.
- Cutting edge of – at the forefront ⇒ Cosmology is the cutting edge of modern science.
BONUS! Expresiones del día a día en inglés
Expresiones fijas en inglés con la letra D
- Do one’s best — try very hard ⇒ I did my best to help him in his work.
- Do without — live without ⇒ I’ll have to do without a car for a while.
- Down to earth — practical ⇒ She’s quiet, sensible and down to earth.
- Draw the line — fix a limit ⇒ He drew the line for her at $100 a day.
- Drop out — quit (school) ⇒He dropped out of school last year.
Fixed phrases con la letra E y F
- Every now and then – occasionally ⇒I get a little bit worried about my studies every now and again.
- Fall in love — begin to love ⇒Tom fell in love with Sue at first sight.
TIP. Descubre este exclusivo vocabulario de amor en inglés.
- Few and far between –rare ⇒These days, public telephone boxes are few and far between.
- For the time being — at this time ⇒For the time being, I will keep living in Spain.
- From time to time – every now and again ⇒Could you come and visit me from time to time?
Expresiones del día a día en inglés con la letra G
- Get a grip on oneself — take control of one’s feelings ⇒ Stop crying! Get a grip on yourself!
- Get cold feet — be afraid to do ⇒ I went to the interview but I got cold feet and I almost left.
- Go with the flow – let yourself be influenced by the environment ⇒ I prefer to just go with the flow instead of trying to control everything.
- Give someone a hand — help ⇒ Can you give me a hand with the ironing?
- Give someone a lift /a ride — take to some place by car ⇒ Can you give me a lift to the bank? He gave his mum a ride in his new Audi.
- Give someone a piece of one’s mind — criticize frankly ⇒ She lost my credit card again, so I gave her a piece of my mind about her carelessness.
Fixed phrases en inglés con la letra K y L
- Keep a straight face — not to laugh ⇒ I tried to keep a straight face, but failed.
- Keep someone posted — inform ⇒ Keep me posted about your plans.
- Know the ropes — be very familiar with some business ⇒ She knows all the ropes in this company.
- Let one’s hair down — be relaxed and informal ⇒ She is always so formal. She never lets her hair down.
- Let someone down — disappoint, fail someone ⇒ Don’t let me down this time!
- Let someone know — inform ⇒ Let me know when you find a job.
- Lead the way – give direction to ⇒ Part of running a company is leading the way by example.
Expresiones en inglés del día a día con la letra M y O
- Make ends meet – have enough money to pay for everything ⇒ I find it hard to make ends meet on such a low salary.
- Make up for something — compensate ⇒ I’ll make up for the time you helped me out.
- Make up one’s mind — decide ⇒ Please make up your mind on whether you’d like to go on holidays with me; the tickets will be sold out soon.
- On average – as a norm ⇒ On average, people take about 4 months to prepare for the exam.
- On purpose – intentionally ⇒ I’m so sorry, I didn’t do it on purpose.
- On the outskirts – in the suburbs ⇒ When I have kids, I’d love to live on the outskirts of the city.
Fixed phrases con la letra P y R
- Pull yourself together –summon your strength and focus⇒ Stop crying and complaining! You have to pull yourself together now.
- Rack one’s brain — try hard to think ⇒He racked his brain to solve the puzzle.
- Read between the lines — find or understand the implied meaning ⇒His books are not easy to understand; you have to read between the lines.
- Right away — immediately ⇒It’s very important to do it right away.
- Ring a bell — remind someone of something familiar /half-forgotten ⇒ Nathaly Pitt? Yeah, it rings a bell, but I can’t place it right now.
- Run out of – not have any left ⇒We have run out of time to finish the exam.
Fixed phrases en inglés con la letra U, T, S
- Undergo a change – experience a change ⇒ The company is undergoing huge changes
- Under no circumstances – no way ⇒ Under no circumstances should you be late for the exam.
- The downside of – the drawback of ⇒ The downside of being so intelligent is that most other people seem a little dim.
- Take ages (+ infinitive) – take a long time ⇒ It took ages to find a job in the end.
- Take for granted – not give credit for ⇒You should not take your friends for granted.
- The pros and cons of – the advantages and disadvantages of ⇒ The pros and cons of being self-employed are debatable.
- Sooner or later – at some point in time ⇒ Sooner or later, you will have to tell him the news.
Expresiones cotidianas en inglés
In a nutshell (en resumidas cuentas). Hasta aquí el listado de expresiones cotidianas, o fixed phrases en inglés. Hay, muchísimas más. Sin embargo, os recomendamos ir little by little y gradualmente integrarlas en vuestro Speaking y Writing. De igual manera, os aconsejamos a navegar por nuestro blog y canal de Youtube para conocer muchas más expresiones en inglés que os ayudarán no sólo a subir de nivel, sino también a lucirse en los exámenes oficiales a los que os presentéis.
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