26 Jul 2019 Ejercicios Aptis Advanced
Ejercicios Aptis Advanced
… y aquí seguimos.
Hace una semana publicábamos una entrada con ejercicio del vocabulario Aptis General. Hoy tocan más ejercicios de vocabulario Aptis, pero ya vocabulario Aptis Advanced.
Sabemos lo challenging que pueden ser algunas partes de este examen oficial de inglés, ya sea Aptis General o Aptis Advanced con sus respectivas habilidades. Por eso desde el Salón os traemos esta entrada llena de ejercicios Aptis Advanced C1 C2 para que podáis hacerlos, practicar y sentiros más seguros para cuando vayáis a hacer el examen.
TASK 2. Une palabras con definición (en el original hay que rellenar frases)
a) raw b) effluent c) gust d) clutch e) gloomy f) navel g) binoculars h) crib i) lid j) headquarters k) muzzle l) maverick m) maggot n) paramount o) plot p) deputy q) belly button r) shriek s) antler t) contest
- one of the solid deciduous horns, usually branched, of an animal of the deer family.
- an optical device providing good depth effect, for use with both eyes, consisting of two small telescopes fitted together side by side.
- a race, conflict, or other competition between rivals, as for a prize.
- to grip or hold tightly or firmly:
- a child’s bed with enclosed sides.
- a person appointed or authorized to act as a substitute for another or others.
- flowing out or forth.
- hopeless or despairing; pessimistic:
- a center of operations, as of the police or a business, from which orders are issued;the chief administrative office of an organization:
- a removable or hinged cover for closing the opening, usually at the top, of a pot, jar, trunk, etc.;a movable cover.
- a secret plan or scheme to accomplish some purpose, especially a hostile, unlawful, or evil purpose:
- above others in rank or authority; superior in power or jurisdiction.
- a soft-bodied, legless larva of certain flies.
- person pursuing rebellious, even potentially disruptive, policies or ideas:
- the projecting part of the head of an animal, including jaws, mouth, and nose.
- the central point or middle of any thing or place.
- the slight hollow in the centre of the abdomen, where the umbilical cord was attached
- not having undergone processes of preparing, dressing, finishing, refining, or manufacture
- to utter (words or sounds) in a high-pitched tone
- a sudden strong wind
Respuestas correctas ejercicios Aptis Advanced:
- S, 2. G, 3. T, 4. D, 5. H, 6. P, 7. B, 8. E, 9. J, 10. I, 11. O, 12. N, 13. M, 14. L, 15. K, 16. F, 17. Q, 18. A, 19. R, 20. C
2. Unir sinónimos encuentra el sinónimo
- Attire –
- Bucket –
- Choosy –
- Discount –
- Eager –
- Formerly –
- Glitter –
- Hazard –
- Inventory –
- Joy –
- Kind –
- Lucid –
- Modern –
- Noon –
- Oversee –
- Praise –
- Reliable –
- Sleepy –
- Vanquish –
- To cite –
Palabras a elegir: conquer, dress, clear, midday, picky, stock, pail, benevolent, supervise, to quote, reduction, contemporary, drowsy, delight, keen, compliment, previously, danger, sparkle,
Respuestas correctas ejercicios Aptis Advanced:
1 dress; 2 pail; 3 picky; 4 reduction; 5 keen; 6 previously; 7 sparkle; 8 danger; 9 stock; 10 delight; 11 benevolent; 12 clear; 13 contemporary; 14 midday; 15 supervise; 16 compliment; 17 dependable; 18 drowsy; 19 conquer; 20 to quote
BONUS: Descubre más collocations en inglés C1 C2
3. Collocations
- Spare
- Essential
- Court
- Ordinary
- Advisory
- Training
- Opposition
- Key
- Former
- Lone
- Mental
- Waste
- Pursue
- Foreign
- Flushed
- Classless
- Visual
- Rights
- Opposition
- Hostile
Palabras a elegir: field, lives, member, environment, word, leader, course, money, time, face, part, policy, wolf, cases, interests, service, party, state, movement, society,
Respuestas correctas ejercicios Aptis Advanced:
1 time; 2 part; 3 cases; 4 lives; 5 service; 6 course; 7 party; 8 word; 9 member; 10 wolf; 11 state; 12 money; 13 interests; 14 policy; 15 face; 16 society; 17 field; 18 movement; 19 leader; 20 environment
PODCAST: Escucha la experiencia de una de nuestras profes haciendo el examen Aptis Advanced
4. Further collocations
- Spread
- Long
- Former
- Public
- True
- Empty
- Elderly
- Personal
- Youth
- Good
- Extra
- Outstanding
- Prison
- Potential
- Following
- Deep
- Sinking
- Good
- Major
- Voluntary
Palabras a elegir: player, feeling, pupil, choice, cell, deal, sector, news, attention, sound, love, investment, training, fire, treatment, space, list, couple, effort, growth,
Respuestas correctas ejercicios Aptis Advanced:
1 fire; 2 list; 3 pupil; 4 attention; 5 love; 6 space; 7 couple; 8 choice; 9 centre; 10 news; 11 effort; 12 player; 13 cell; 14 growth; 15 treatment; 16 sound; 17 feeling; 18 deal; 19 investment; 20 sector
Dudas: No consigo la habilitación lingüística con Aptis Advanced
5. Synonyms
- Crook –
- To floar –
- Brow-
- Grasping –
- Impartial –
- Insolvent –
- Loopy –
- Midway-
- Nightfall –
- Touchy-
- Uncooked-
- Virtue –
- Mackintoch –
- Animated –
- Earth –
- Spotlight-
- To vacuum –
- Cut –
- Coarse –
- Deter –
Palabras a elegir: crazy, raw, hinder, to hoover, forehead, greedy, lively, rough, soil, neutral, criminal, trim, neutral, dusk, sensitive, to drift, halfway, waterproof coat, advantage,
Respuestas correctas ejercicios Aptis Advanced:
1 criminal; 2 drift; 3 forehead; 4 greedy; 5 neutral; 6 neutral; 7 crazy; 8 halfway; 9 dusk; 10 sensitive; 11 raw; 12 advantage; 13 waterproof coat; 14 lively; 15 soil; 16 highlight; 17 to hoover; 18 trim; 19 rough; 20 hinder
Good job! Te esperamos para la próxima y recuerda que puedes prepararte el examen Aptis Advanced en Salón de Idiomas. Y recuerda que puedes hacer un examen Aptis Advanced en nuestra Demo en plataforma e-learning de Salón de Idiomas.
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